Minutes January 14, 2013

LPCI Executive School Council Meeting

Attendance: L. Turkish, C. Poole, L. Gray, M. Freel, A. Cohen, D. Boughner, L. Jovanovic, M. Yach, J. Allen, A. Hepburn, K. Rein, M. Tam,  M. Rosemblum, A. Cohen, G. Wyett

  1. Welcome by Co-Chair : A. Cohen
  2. Music Concert Update : A. Cohen & G. Wyett

Winter Musicale Concert is going forward Jan. 31, 2013. This event will be broadcast to parents in the Eye shortly. Students in the concert were sent home with tickets to the event on Jan. 11, 2013. Parent Council volunteers will assist with ticket sales and work the doors at the event. Music teachers will handle the music/performance of the event. The extra curricular choirs will not be performing.

  1. Strategies Regarding Extracurricular Activities:

L. Jovanovic advised TDSB sent letter that teachers will do what’s in their contracts and any volunteering is not to happen.

A. Hepburn represented that the perception of teacher body is that parents are not supportive of their job action by trying to replace extra-curricular activities.

A. Cohen reiterated the position of the school council as stated in Dec 11/12 meeting as well as in numerous casual interactions with different teachers.  A. Cohen stressed Parent Council is extremely respectful of the process ongoing between TDSB and OSSTF, “however this ongoing action is affecting the students and their experience of their high school education and as such Council would like to explore Council’s options for the students” .

A. Cohen advised 700 emails of parents were submitted so Council can communicate directly with the parent body in future. In addition, 36 parents volunteered to lead extra curricular activities so we are optimistic that “any activities will be run by independent parents groups”.

L. Gray pointed out that Parents could not attempt to do what teachers normally do in terms of “extra-curriculars” and that “any attempts to provide activities are like a band aid on a shark bite”.

M. Freel and D. Boughner will look into the insurance/risk aspect of parent lead activities. Council will attempt to put together a white paper on how to run an activity. We will have a leader per activity and we will advise those leaders hopefully by next Council meeting on January 21st.

4.   Constant Contact Subscription: A. Cohen advised we need to run an email program for 1 year. Motion to buy a subscription for 1 year for $252.00 put forward by A. Cohen. Second by M. Rosemblum. Approved.

Meeting Adjourned.