Executive Minutes February 27, 2012

LPCI School Council Executive Meeting

Members in Attendance: C. Poole, A. Fonseca, K. Rein, O. Snell, M. Yach, L. Jovanovic, Cohen, D. Boughner, L. Turkish, A. Hepburn, J. Allen, M. Tam, M. Freel, M. Gurgol, L. Gray

  1. Welcome by M. Yach
  2. Motion to accept the December minutes made by M. Tam
    Seconded by C. Poole
  3. School Council Website discussion: Current website is dated and in need of overhaul. A. Cohen will put together costs and benefits and compare existing service provider.
  4. Auditorium Fundraising Update: L. Pendrill
    To date $70,000 allocated for chairs with $30,000 from 75th Anniversary and $29,000 from GIC  and rest from donations. Goal is $180,000 for phase 1 (main floor of auditorium; balcony chair replacement is another 300 chairs). Cost is $300. per chair.
  5. Financials:  M. Tam
    Currently Council has $8,000 in bank. As in past, we hold $5000 in balance and have $3000 to spend. Requested L. Jovanovic provide us with a list of school needs. M. Tam will make a recommendation regarding money to be held back each year for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned.