Executive Minutes June 4, 2012

LPCI School Council Executive Meeting

Attendance:  L. Turkish, J. Allen, A. Hepburn, D. Boughner, M. Racanelli, M. Freel, L. Pendrill, A. Cohen, A. Fonseca, N. Kulendran, L. Jovanovic, M. Yach, M. Gurgol, K. Rein, V. Bery, O. Snell, L. Gray, K. Rein

1. Welcome – M. Yach

2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of April 23, 2012 – addition of attendance to be added. Motion to approve minutes of April 23, 2012 put forward by L. Pendrill and seconded by A. Cohen. Minutes approved.

3. School Council Website: A. Cohen reported the site is up and running and the Council website matches effectively with the school website. A. Cohen will look into our access to track number of viewers. A suggestion for next year that this council create a position for a Council member to handle PR on our website with a goal to increasing momentum of donations for the auditorium chairs.

4. Report of Auditorium Chair Fundraising- L. Pendrill advised no further increase to our chair campaign. L. Jovanovic advised the chairs will not be able to be installed until safety issues with auditorium are handled. These include automating the lifting of stage lights, painting the ceiling and changing the size of the aisles (reducing the number of chairs).

M. Freel and L. Jovanovic will confirm final tally of raised money for auditorium chairs. M. Yach suggested an email blast suggesting gift of chair be forward to households with graduating student.

5. Financial report – deferred.

6. Reaching Out Grant- M. Yach advised Reaching Out Grant is available to school councils to improve communications between schools and parents. Grant deadline is this week. Suggestion we look at Workshop offered by Canadian Red Cross to Prevent Bullying. Another suggestion was made by D. Boughner of a Speaker from the American Athletic Institute who are an organization who speak to athletes about substance abuse. Motion we pursue having speaker from this organization come and run a workshop for students and parents brought forward by D. Boughner. Second by L. Gray. Approved.

7.  Succession planning- M. Yach advised she will be stepping down from the Cochair position but would like to stay on Council. Council will need to find another co-chair. V. Bery and O. Snell will be leaving Council after many years of valuable service. Thank you to V. Bery and O. Snell.

8. Other Business:  Council was advised by a May 18th email from A. Cohen that the administration and teaching staff would prefer to have 4 mobile stations versus 1 smart board. 4 Mobile Presentation Workstations (each including: Laptop + Keyboard & Mouse + Cart + Projector) – Cost $1500/ea, instead of 1 x SmartBoard. A. Cohen propose “ we approve the donation of 4 Workstations as described above for a total cost of $6000”. M. Tam seconded the motion.


Meeting Adjourned.