LPCI School Council Executive Meeting
Attendance: A. Cohen, K. Rein, L. Jovanovic, M. Gurgol, G. Wyett, M. Freel, L. Gray, D. Boughner, L. Turkish, M. Tam, C. Poole, M. Rozenblum
1-2. Welcome by A. Cohen followed by approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of September 10, 2012. Motion made by K. Rein and 2nd by L. Gray and approved.
3. Special Event: A. Cohen discussed selecting Alex Russell to be our speaker. Motion made by A. Cohen and second by L. Gray and approved. Topic will be tailored to LPCI age of students.
4. Special Winter/Spring Event- A. Cohen led discussion regarding information nights for parents. Exec. Council agreed we would like to pursue provided we have funding. L. Jovanovic advised she has some money that could assist us in hosting a 2nd evening event for parents. We would need to raise $1200 to $1500 to cover Dr. Clavier’s fee should he be our selected speaker. A. Cohen raised $500. from a parent from Forest Hill Collegiate who would like the event to be held. Some discussion that maybe we should have a discussion of what issues the Council wants addressed.
5. Treasurer’s Update: M. Tam advised last year’s budget left us with $2935. at the end of the 2011/12 school year. All our fundraising efforts should be to drive donations through the Foundation. M. Tam requested we consider how our money is to be spent this year. To date, Foundation has received about $4000 in cheques and on-line about $1200.
Council has $3000.00 in reserve fund. Council recommends to the Foundation how money raised is to be spent. Historically the Foundation votes on our recommendations.
6. Committees:
M. Rozenblum proposed a fundraiser. Council agreed for the fundraiser to proceed
L. Turkish updated Exec. Council on Bill 115. Council agreed that the staff and administration at LPCI should be applauded for an excellent start to the school year. Council requested L. Jovanovic pass on our thank you at the next Wednesday meeting of staff and administration.
Meeting Adjourned.