Executive Minutes September 10, 2012

LPCI School Council Executive Meeting


Parent Council Sponsored Speaker:

  • Alain Cohen would like to propose hiring Dr Ron Clavier to speak at an LPCI Council sponsored event. His fee is $2500. Tentative date of Nov 8th. Alain would like to have it soon, so that the parents can benefit from Dr Clavier’s wisdom, on teenagers. We can choose the topic.
  • We will be receiving $750 from the “Reaching Out” Government sponsored program, which we would use towards this event.
  • Many private schools within Toronto have used him.
  • Dr Clavier would reduce his fee by $500 if we used a marketing company. He could recommend the one he generally uses, but open to us hiring our own.
  • Melanie Yach asks if this fee can be negotiated. Could we ask other schools to share the cost?
  • Michael Freel asks if the “speaker” is the best way to communicate the messages to parents and kids? Perhaps we need to look at other avenues.
  • The Principal supports this event.
  • How best to market? What about having the speaker talk on Curriculum Night?

Speaker Proposed : Alain Cohen
Motion 2nded : Melanie Yach

Executive Slate:

  • Melanie cannot serve beyond 2 years.
  • Perceptually, the Vice-Chair is a stepping stone to the Chair. The current Vice Chair incumbent does not want the job. Mona Rozenblum offers to Chair the Council, but her child is in grade 12, and so will not be here beyond this year. Her offer has been “parked”, respectfully.

Teach + Staff Rep.:

  • Teachers need to meet and vote.


  • The principal questions the need for them. The extra members help to bring a

quorum to meetings.

Exec. And Regular Council Meetings being blended:

  • We should look into this again for 2012/13


  • We need to use it more for promoting the Parent Council and our meetings to the parent      body. Get the word out!
  • We cannot share the school list of e-mail addresses, until we have written parental consent.
  • A reminder that last year the Council made a conscious decision to communicate through the school. So, we continue to put our info in the weekly “Eye”.
  • Next year the welcome package should include a consent form for parents to share their email with school council for the purpose of direct communication when needed.