LPCI School Council Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Gray, S. Paetkau, L. Addis, G. Wyett, T. Tsafaridis, E. Ramsey, M. Chibba, U. Grieve, J. Brass, S. Derasner, R. Crabtree, B. Turnbull, A. Mukherjee, J. Hungate, Z. Dacosta, D. Boughnar, J. Rayner, G. Ljubic, F. Tilburn, R. Greco, L. Mooallem, L Turkish, R. Boyer, J. Reeves, M. Abbey, J. Jaffary, M. Schummer, P. Frenton, B. Becic, K. Thompson, J. Forster, P. Prabhr, M. Joksimonc, J. Rother, I. Kovalev.
1. Review and approval of agenda
Agenda was approved though it was not recorded by whom as the secretary was absent and minutes were not recorded until after this approval.
2. Approval of January and February council meeting minutes
Approval of January minutes: R. Boyer, L. Addis
Approval of February minutes: R. Boyer, U. Grieve
3. Student update ( Katie & Ben)
- Report cards went out in February
- Some students went to France for an exchange for a week in March and now French students are here for 2 weeks.
- EQAO Tests were completed for grade 10 as well as math contests in February. More math tests are prepared for May.
- 250 tickets were sold for semi-formal, may need Council support next year.
- Spirit day went well.
- Student Council elections coming up in mid-May.
- Drama play “The Miracle Worker” running for 3 nights.
- LPCI wear is on sale: Hoodies, caps, sweats….etc. Will look into selling online next year.
- Quick recap of all the sports starting.
- Summative and exam season coming up
3. Guidance presentation on Semestering
–Nothing is going to change at LPCI
The Principal introduced M. Fischer from guidance, who gave an objective presentation on some advantages and disadvantages to semestering prepared by staff heads and guidance with information provided by TDSB. This same presentation had been given to all of the students of LPCI as well as all teaching staff. After showing this presentation to students and staff, a survey had been taken to show if there was interest in semestering the school, which would have lead to further discussions and dialogue. The majority of students and teachers did not want to change to semestering and prefer to stay as a non-semestered school, therefore, the school WILL NOT continue to look into any change at this time. Kim Mitchell, from guidance, was also in attendance to expand on the presentation and answer questions. Please inquire at the school if you would like to see a copy of the presentation. This look at semestering LPCI was mainly initiated by teachers from their interaction with students and parents. The Principal also explained that the school had done its job in looking into the matter and followed the correct TDSB process in doing so.
Many parents in attendance expressed their opinions on semestering. There is a strong interest in understanding the purpose and process (particularly who can request, the criteria for starting a review, how the review is done) and ensuring the transparency, notice period and communications to students, teachers and parents is improved for any future consideration of semestering. Some parents raised concerns about the impact on student achievement and extracurricular activities. Most parents in attendance are in favour of the traditional timetable (no semestering). To be noted, about 90% of the schools in Ontario and about 70% in TDSB are currently semestered. Twenty three TDSB high schools are still full year schools.
4. Principal Update
–TDSB Student/Teacher/Parent climate survey is starting in April. Students will have the opportunity to fill out the surveys at school and parents can access the survey through the school website.
- Pizza lunch for students with perfect attendance was on March 25th.
- The Student Council saved over $5000 by hosting dances at the school. They want to return this money to the students by purchasing benches for the cafeteria. A fire inspector is scheduled to come to the school to see if this is possible with the size of the cafeteria. If it is not possible to purchase benches, the Student Council will look into other ways to benefit the students with the money. This requires a fire inspection, which is scheduled
- Parents who donated more than $300 which helped to purchase new auditorium chairs and drapes, will receive a plate on the wall in the auditorium as well as have their names listed in a yearly pamphlet.
- There has been a recommendation from TDSB that LPCI should install security cameras. It will cost $46,000 to install the minimum number of cameras (6 to 10). TDSB departments will be able to cover $20,000-$23,000 of that cost. The superintendent will be able to cover $10,000 to $11,000 of that cost next year, but can not this year. Therefore, the school needs to raise approximately $26,000 to start the installation this year. A parent on the Safe and Caring Committee explained that the students and staff were in favour of the cameras. TDSB has procurement rules of where they can purchase items from, which may not always be the cheapest cost. Parents expressed concern that installation of cameras should all be done in the correct way and with notice to students. More information will be provided in the future.
5. Co-chair update
L. Gray
- Athletic equipment has been donated by a family at the cricket club, we will receive a report on this from Mr. Bartha to share at a future meeting.
- The school is in need of a BBQ for special events. L. Gray is looking into receiving a donation of one.
S. Peatkau
- Dr. Woodside presentation was great, however only 25 people were in attendance for the speaking night.
- Update on teacher wish-list and how we can use our School Council funds to help. $7,000 is available and priorities within this budget are: white boards for the math department, document cameras, lab fridge and lab equipment. Chrome books are also requested for the school as well as smart boards, funding is not enough at this time to purchase those items.
- Vote was taken to purchase: white boards, document cameras, lab fridge and equipment. All in attendance were in favor of this motion to purchase these items. Motion: R. Boyer 2nd: M. Schummer
– Parents Reaching Out Grants. S. Peatkau asked for suggestions on topics or themes that parents would like to see speakers or events on, as it is time to apply for the grants. Her suggestions included post secondary planning and careers, general wellness and/or how young people learn. G. Wyett mentioned that the topic needs to fall in line with TDSB priorities and also be targeted to parents in order to receive a grant. Parents were very interested in the career topic.
6. Other Business
- Students want to do a Wellness fair and have a coffee house. This will need to be scheduled at another time and also will need parent support.
- Teachers’ breakfast will be held toward the end of the year. Date to be determined.
– 1st L. Addis
-2nd M. Schummer