Minutes December 14, 2020

LPCI Virtual School Council Meeting

Attendees: Liz Hanson (Chair), Aiman Flahat (Principal), Executive team members: Kristen, Marina, Anne Marie, Ian, John, Lori, Karen, Alex, Erika, Robin, Andrea, Greg, Other Zoom participants (50).

  1. Student Council Update – John W, Alyssa D
  • LP Wear – ordering is closed. The students were impressed with the results, there were 200 sales. Will be distributed after winter break.
  • LP Got Talent – Promo video was shared (which was excellent)
    • January 4th deadline to submit.
    • Jan 11-15 – LPTV will be used to put the acts together
    • All students can do friendly vote for winners. Prizes are lp wear / gift cards.
    • Anyone can submit act sticking with covid rules (3 outside with social distance), if zoom, unlimited.
    • LP’s got talent is separate from United Artists
  • Next Event – 14 days of wellness challenge for the holidays.
  • Follow Wellness Instagram account
  • Daily Food Bank – Goal to raise $3000. (Link is in the School Council Eye)
  • Comments were shared with the fabulous student leader participation in the Grade 8 virtual open house.

Motion to approve October 19th minutes: Marina Chernyak, Seconded – John Hiddema

  1. Executive team updates:

Anne-Marie (Fundraising): currently quiet on fundraising as there was a moratorium in November. Will wait for direction in the new year.

Ian (Treasurer): very little activity, sub-committee to review School Cash On-line to collect donations has been put on hold for the time being.

Marina (Communications): please re-subscribe to the Lawrence Park School Council email sign-up when your eldest child graduates.  Parents should sign up with each child in the event a grade specific email is sent.

Lori (Marketing): currently working with Aiman and Liz to create some teacher and staff profiles

Karen (Wellness): School wide mindful moments are hard to implement in the current environment.  There has been election within classes to have a class wellness rep to increase engagement and buy-in.  Reps will be re-elected for each quad which hopefully increases involvement.  Reminder to subscribe to LP Instagram accounts!  Looking forward to having LP parent Nicole Cairns will be speaking in a Zoom Wellness seminar in the new year (date TBD). Check out “Wellness Window” in the weekly EYE.

Erika (Ward Rep): In lieu of our annual Staff Appreciation Breakfast (traditionally held in the library twice a year as a thank you to our staff), we have asked for on-line parent donations to be able to present each of the 81 current staff members with a gift card as a token of our appreciation.  TDSB rules do not allow for Parent Councils to collect money for staff appreciation therefore this has to be done outside of our council account.  Over 90 families have generously donated to this request – overwhelming support!

Robin (Community member): Has 4 children from middle school to university…currently  has full scope perspective!

Andrea (Safe & Caring): Will be working with Stephen Bibla (VP) to deliver materials to students (ie anti-bullying).

Greg (Facilities): currently all activity on hold due to covid.

Liz (Chair):

  1. Principal’s Report – Aiman Flahat:

-With regard to Toronto Public Health (TPH) recommendation for Covid-19 testing letter sent to our school community on December 2nd, he was surprised LP had been chosen given the low number of cases and positive feedback from TPH after reviewing strict protocols in place at the school.  No information has been received by the school as to number of students who went for testing at Sunnybrook.  Waiting for a report from TPH.

-School is going well. No issues raised with regard to safety or students no following procedure.

-Staff have been supporting each other with technology

-LP has purchased 40 document cameras to assist with on-line teaching

-Where teacher is quarantined at home, a supply teacher is in the classroom with students to set up the technology and facilitate synchronous learning.

-At this time (quad 2), 70 LP students have chosen option to learn on-line from home (this is different from Virtual School)

-School Photos: still negotiating with the board – no decision has been made.

-Thank you to parents for their patience.

Question asked re cohorts sharing stairwells?

Aiman: Some stairwells are designated up, others down – working fairly well.  Morning entry is the challenge as they do not have dedicated staff monitoring the stairwells (staff are fully engaged in classrooms and managing entry).  Challenge in the morning with students all arriving as the bell rings (they get piled up).

Question asked re grade 10 french immersion math in english – future options?

Some students grade 10 math was switched to English – this impacts ability to get enough French credits as not many options offered in grade 11 & 12.

Aiman: School is looking at expanding FI offerings. Can only run classes if enough students enroll.  Waiting for timetabling update for next year.  Secondary School Review could lead to full semester system across the board.

Question asked re students having to have their video on during class?

Aiman: This is an equity issue.  Teachers can only encourage, not demand that screens be on. Things can be going on at home behind the scenes that students do not want others to see.  This is frustrating for the teachers.  Aiman pointed out that only 6/45 participants on this call currently have their videos on.

Additional Comments:

Please use/check: MySchoolDay app

LPTV is live!

  1. Next Meeting: January 18th, 7pm

Superintendent Andrew Howard guest

Motion to close the meeting: John Hiddema, second, Robin Conliffe.

Meeting adjourned.