LPCI School Council Meeting
Next Meeting: Monday February 4th
Attendance: Dorothy Carson, Rindy Bradshaw, Gillian Wyatt, Xinoli (Seny) Tang, Jordana Berger, Beth Wilkins, Dominica Larkin, Jill Bellenger, Tina Eng, Melissa Lee, Sandra Pritchard, Vanessa Bond, Jennifer Wilmer, Dani Morrison, Karin Furlong, Liz Hanson, Anna Richter, Veronica Bak, Joel Gorenkoff
Some Important Dates:
- Wednesday December 5th – 7pm – 8:45pm – United Artists – Arts night, $10 at the door, $8 in advance online.
- Dec 13 – 7pm. Winter Musicale program. Tickets available on school cash online
- LPWear coming out in the next two weeks.
- Grade 9 with Buddy Groups – Dodgeball Tournament this week and next week.
- Grad Photo on right now. Remind your grade 12 kids to get their phone
- PD Day Friday
- Dec 24 – Jan 4 – Winter Break.
- United Artists – Drama Teacher Stamp shared details of United Artist and encouraged everyone to buy tickets and attend Wednesday Dec 5 evening. The kids are working very hard to be ready for the event.
- Charity sponsor money is going towards is Rainbow Railroad, supporting the LGBT Community.
- What is it? A Dance, fashion show, drama and visual arts. Celebrating much hard work from many students.
Student Presentation – Will & Madelyn
- Just had Charity Week, Nov 19 -23 – $2000 raised for charity
- Supported Skylark – offers many different mental health services and programs. Free walk- in clinics, closest one at Yonge & Eglinton.
- Guest speaker from Skylark came in to share with the students.
- Tues – Thursday various councils had events at lunch to raise money
- Friday : Charity Fair
- Bake sale
- LPAC had draw for Leafs tickets
- Wellness – gingerbread decorating
- LPWear coming out in the next two weeks. Pay for on school cash online and bring forms proving payment before the break. Items will be distributed in January.
- 7pm Dec 13 – Winter Musicale Tickets available on school cash online
- Grade 9 with Buddy Groups – Dodgeball Tournament this week and next week.
- Cupids Café – Coffee House event / Talent Show (February instead of semi)
- LPAC 24 hour challenge – more details to follow.
- Dance show – more details to come.
- Previous Meeting Minutes approved by Jennifer Wilmer, Seconded by Rindy Bradshaw
- Follow Up To Previous Meeting – Anna Richter
- Re inquiry for directory of student clubs Facebook pages- school can’t promote it since Facebook is not secure
- From first meeting: VP Bibla requested suggestions re improving communications- perhaps format of EYE could be improved by having cover email, not just the links to the webpages- awkward on phones
- New trustee Shelly Laskin has weekly newsletter which is worth signing up for. Link will be on school council website.
- https://app.e2ma.net/app2/audience/signup/1787552/1752436.128800116/
- Council will follow up on status of minor facility repairs.
- Safe and Caring School Committee – Veronica Bak
- Positive climate at the school, and healthy relationship with students and staff.
- Staff is doing work on inclusivity on their lesson design. More detail on TDSB website and student thrive with healthy caring environment.
- Note on punctuality, need to get to school on time.
- Parent Question: Did the school do anything in response to what happened at St. Mike’s – will be addressed by Joel later in meeting.
- Music – Veronica Bak
Monday practice for gr 9 mandatory vs optional:- Trouble is practice is not mandatory and older kids are not attending so it’s hard to have a strong band if they do not go.
- Used to be mandatory for older kids.
- Parent question: Some music ensembles are part of core, some are part of extras. For core students in the music program perhaps more commitment needed.
Response: Suggest ideas.
Parent suggestion – reinforce to parents and more chance to get the students there if parents say they should go as when it’s uncertain the kids aren’t clear.
- School Improvement Plan: reminder that parents comments are welcome
- Comments are welcome. Details are on the parent council website:
- Mr Gorenkoff’s response: – it’s a living document. As things come up it evolves. But the four main comments are there.
- School Statement Of Needs – all parent comments regarding requirements for a principal have been included – see our website http/:www.lpschoolcpouncil.com
- In the interim:
- 2 more grad survey excerpts now posted on the council website – Anna Richter
- Prepared For Post Secondary Success: greatest satisfaction with reading skills, greatest dissatisfaction with public speaking: Recommending English public speaking contests be reintroduced.
- Sense of Engagement: greatest in Academic achievement, least in Fine Arts: should be addressed- digital arts may appeal to more students
- School Administration and Executive Meeting Nov. 22 2018 Anna Richter
- School safety- Principal Gorenkoff will address later.
- Council recommendation for principal to notify chair immediately in anxious moments to help dispel rumours and calmly focus on the truth
- Posting Safe and Caring schools meeting summaries on parent council website for parents to review and see efforts being made.
- SIP: 3 foci – refers to 3rd teacher (the environment that students learn in): council has recommended any enhancement under consideration also include use of spaces outside the classroom for learning; also consideration of repainting classrooms from drab beige to perhaps more engaging colour scheme, collaborative furnishings, etc
- Digital arts focus to help make visual art more inclusive to those who do not have fine motor skills eg PE assessment not based on athletic ability alone; visual spatial skills development is proven valuable for creativity, as well as organizing work and decision making; digital arts lab/maker space would encourage more student participation; also wellness benefits of visual arts
- Principal suggested Anna to meet with ACL – Ken Smith
- Report on Events
- Welcome Event – Liz Hanson
- A Parent Welcome Event was held November 26th 7pm at Safari’s. Event was for new parents of any grade, or any grade.
- First Welcome event and council will run it sooner next year.
- It was a great success for those that attended.
- Volunteers wanted for the Welcome Committee.
- Parent Comment: 4 days notice was not enough time to be able to attend the event.
Response: Email went out 2 weeks prior as part of the Eye, and reminder email 4 days prior. Suggestion was follow on events to have individual email to ensure people receive.
- Parent Comment: Suggest we have a Social subcommittee
Response: Yes, agreed, volunteers welcome!
- Wellness Event and Committee – Kelly Green absent so Anna Richter
- 2017 school climate survey requested on several occasions from school admin but remains outstanding. Our Wellness liaison Kelly Green was assured by Superintendent John Chastey that it should be made available to parents
Principal comment: he has checked and at this time admin is not permitted to release individual school data but noted:- Last week Mental wellness week.
- Sue Hutton for tips and tips for less stressful environment.
- Donations for herbal tea still being accepted to
- Decorate holiday tree – students will decorate
- Email statement from Kelly read by Anna:
- Last Wednesday, LPCI was delighted to host a well-attended “Mindfulness Parenting” session, brought to us by the TDSB Mental Health & Well-Being Parent Partnership. Over 100 parents from our community spent time with guest speaker Sue Hutton during her presentation of tips and tricks for creating a healthy, less-stressful parenting environment.
- The Student Wellness Council continues to run its Friday Tea Club, where volunteers offer staff and students a mug of hot tea in the morning before class. Donations for herbal tea are still being accepted (can be dropped off in the office) to ensure that we can continue this tradition for the remainder of the year.
- Two Wellness events coming up in December:
- The tradition of decorating our holiday tree will continue this month. As in years past, students will get into the festive spirit by creating nondenominational ornaments with wellness messages and greetings of hope while being provided with hot chocolate and cookies from the wellness team.
- Departments will participate in a gingerbread house decorating contest during the last week of school. Students will vote on the winner and the winning team will win a prize
- Students are also working on organizing a Wellness Fair in the new year, which will welcome community experts and organizations into our school for students to tour during first period. Booths will be set up to provide resources regarding mental health and physical well-being information, in a relaxed and fun environment.
- Grade 8 Info Night: – Anna Richter
- Good to see so many parents and prospective students
- Welcome those who are interested in joining council and executive; diversification; next year plan reception with baked goods etc, lots of kids and younger siblings
- next year Welcome and Communication Committees could participate to greet incoming parents and start collecting email addresses for the fall (or end of June?) gr 9 items
- Grade 8 category now on our website for interested parents gr 8 parents to sign up early on.
- Provincial Government’s Consultation (Fortheparents) until Dec 15th. Anna Richter
Provincial government is consulting with people across the province to address concerns and get feedback in several areas of the education system. Feedback from these consultations will help shape decisions including:
- Improving student performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
- Preparing students with needed job skills, such as skilled tradesand coding
- life skills, including financial literacy
- technology in classrooms, such as cell phones
- Building a new age-appropriate Health and Physical Education curriculumthat includes subjects like mental health, sexual health education and the legalization of cannabis
- the first-ever Parents’ Bill of Rights
Participate by open submission, by telephone own hall, by online survey
It’s important!
- Looking forward
- Donation drive: Anna Richter
- Accepting cash and cheques in envelopes (with name and email address & phone number) tonight, receipts by email tomorrow
- Just finalized today: Online donations starting soon on Sagoto account
- LP School Council is no longer a registered charity, and TFSS (Toronto Foundation for School Success) not an option anymore, so no tax deductions.
- Speaking to parents, they are very divided regarding registration of charity at the moment; therefore, council will debate the registered charity status in January; any accountants and lawyers who would champion the cause and continue to assist executive for at least another year or two, please step forward
- Funding allocations, the fun stuff! Anna Richter
- Monies have been released to school council from a previous trust fund.We now have $9,755 to spend immediately. Since it has finally been resolved, we are spending it to support LP Students ASAP.
- Approved:
- $2300 – 3D Printer – for 3D club, School-Wide, already 1 printer and in high demand.
- $6000 for new auditorium lights – will be well used by visiting artists, music program, drama and student productions and will have much longevity.
- $500 Phys Ed Panther of the week t-shirt prize – expect to cover 50 students. Award is based more on leadership and participation and modeling a positive attitude than athletic ability.
- $750 towards new basketball jerseys. Jersey’s cost more than that, but they have additional funds from team fees and school budget.
- $100 Hot water urn for Friday Tea Club for Wellness Club
- Parent Question: Will 10% still be set aside for students at risk.
Answer: Yes from this year’s direct donation campaign coming up, separate from the trust fund that was allocated today.
- Direct Donation drive coming up.
- Other requests for funds include: additional jersey’s requested; English curriculum workshop; VR goggles ($1200) for Canadian World Studies Curriculum and club, etc.
- Goal $12,000 through Direct Donation.
- Fundraising: Anna Richter
- Spring Social – planning will commence in January, lead by Anne Marie, volunteer sign up list available.
- Plan to raise funds for track improvements (track, playing field and bleacher improvements).
- From Anne Marie “eg new John Wanless play space was designed, funded and built through the TDSB within a year. They received Section 37 funds and raised more through sponsorships and selling family name plaques. Funds were collected through TDSB’s student cash online and all the funds went to a separate account opened just for them. There were absolutely no issues with the use of sponsors.”
- Our executive will pursue this conversation with LPCI school admin to see if this can be done for LP.
- Another initiative as requested by VP Bibla is the cable conduit from the booth to the pit in the auditorium allowing communication to improve between 2 spaces without the rip hazard of cables on the floor.
- Other: Anna Richter
- Staff appreciation breakfast rescheduled to Jan/Feb. Erika will provide date later.
- February meeting teacher presentation 21st Century learning: Susanne Sparrow and Christina Shin
- United Artist Dec 5- student production come out and support or just buy a ticket
- Winter Musicale Dec 14-: come out and support
- Donation drive: Anna Richter
- Principal’s Report – Principal Gorenkoff
- Grad Photo on right now. Remind your grade 12 kids to get their phone
- PD Day Friday Dec 7
- Dec 24 – Jan 4 – Winter Break.
- Angela P, ACL wellness and school council attending.
- Guidance attending
- Trustee Laskin – Principal Gorenkoff has worked with in the past and she’s wonderful.
- Superintendent changes. A new one in January. Diana P
- School Safety –
- Lots has happened in the news. We think about how it affects our kids.
- Safety is number one. If kids aren’t in safe and inclusive env’t they won’t learn.
- TDSB talks about inclusive design. Many policies guide safety to be at the forefront.
- Students very aware of Code of Conduct – in their student agenda.
- Code of conduct sets expectations. If allegations of a sexual assault or harassment, there is zero tolerance and reported immediately to police.
- During bully prevention week, police officers came in and talked about the dangers online. The officers were very blunt and may have been shocking to some students. They talked about the dangers of shared images. Parents are also in trouble if paying for their child’s phone. Encourage students to come forward to a trusted adult. Kids don’t want to rat, but we need to teach them to mention it.
- TDSB has an anonymous safety line 416-395-SAFE (also in agenda).
- Police Response – shared a skit about taking action. They had a bully, and a victim and a bunch of kids watching. Often there’s a hero that tells the person to stop what is being done. 60-80% are bystanders and don’t know what to do, or afraid of what will happen to them. LP Staff push “report it, report it, report it”.
- Athletics – LP has hired leaders in phys-ed that support character building, and not ‘win at all costs’. Eg two volunteer coaches were just let go as they were too aggressive. Athletics is an important part and Reid and Bowers have set expectations.
- Safe & Caring School is key for the school.
- Global Competencies – Attached document
- Give students skills to survive for the future.
- Teachers are building these competencies with the kids.
- Things we teach in the global connected world, and how to be positive citizens of the world.
- 10 global competencies the school wants to work on. Collaboration & Leadership; Communication; Creativity, Inquiry & Entrepreneurship; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Global Citizenship and Character.
- Christina Shin – will share some innovative things being done in the classroom at the February meeting.
- Assessment and Evaluation has been discussed. Growing Success is document from the Ministry, and that dictates details of the curriculum.
- Suggestions:
- Be aware of the course outline and how will be evaluated.
- Make sure you and student know how they’ll be marked (eg rubric)
- Be aware of test dates and due dates. Students must balance and use dates in the calendar/agenda. Parents should be aware of child’s calendar. Use google classroom. Parents can get password to log in.
- Attendance and punctuality is becoming terrible system wide. There is a correlation between bad attendance and marks.
- Homework completion – kids aren’t doing their homework.
- Math Tutor dilemma – Kids are not trying math, they’re waiting for a tutor. Lots of resources at the school (lunch, teachers) so almost recommended that tutors are not needed. Make sure you take advantage of the help available at the school.
- Issues – talk to teacher first – parent/ student. Don’t delay resolution by calling the VP or Principal, but if no resolution then you’re welcome to call the Principal.
- Parent Question: Sometimes absenteeism is due to teachers being away and the students know the teacher will be away, or teacher on their phone. How is this monitoring / affect attendance?
- Answer: Perhaps this is few and far between. By kids not going they’ll be behind. If issue with teacher behavior. then call
- Parent Question: Why do you think there is an increase in absenteeism and punctuality
- Answer: Gorenkoff doesn’t know. Maybe an issue keeping kids engaged and when things are slow and they’re more anxious to be back on their phone. Generation of youtube, if you don’t like the video click to the next one.
- Parent Comment: Collaborative environment is huge. Doesn’t mean lack of conflict but how to overcome it and smart move for engagement.
- Answer from Principal Gorenkoff – comment about being part of a team they need to know that they need to be part of team.
- Parent Question: Understands phones allowed in the classroom. Most said yes they allow in classrooms. Studies show they interfere with learning. Why are they allowed in the class?
- Answer: It’s a tough one and the board wants to engage kids with technology. Cell phones can be valuable. Hard to manage how to ban students when their phone is their 5th Challenge to have students have boundaries / limits at home.
- Suggestion for parents to not call or text their child during school.
- Answer: It’s a tough one and the board wants to engage kids with technology. Cell phones can be valuable. Hard to manage how to ban students when their phone is their 5th Challenge to have students have boundaries / limits at home.
- Suggestions:
- Next meeting: Monday February 4, 2018
- Adjournment: Motion to adjourn – Sandra Pritchard; seconded by Vanessa Bond
8pm: Presentation by Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project
Expert navigation helping families and youth access mental health services for youth
Family Navigators Elyse Greico, MSW and Shira Goldenberg, MSW& MA
- What they are/ Background:
- Started by group of parents who couldn’t get enough mental health for their youth age 13 – 26.
- Background – parents whose children were at Sunnybrook or went to US for treatment. Needed program to navigate the system.
- Privately funded 100%. RBC Race for the Kids (3rd biggest run in Toronto, 9000 runners, in September) All funds raised support the program.
- Levitt was Chief of Psychiatry at Sunnybrook. Around for 5 years. Have gone from 2 – 10 navigators, working with 2600 families (so 5000 individuals) over 5 years.
- What it is:
- Blend Clinical Care with the knowledge & understanding of lived experience to connect families to the right care at the right time.
- For youth age 13 to 26 with mental health and/or addition issues.
- Communication is mainly by phone / email.
- Could just be a concern, doesn’t have to be diagnosed.
- Navigators work with families throughout the journey (often several months) to ensure connections and follow-up.
- One needs to live in Ontario but student could live away.
- Collaborate with other services (private and public in the city).
- Principles:
- Collaboration with families and health care professionals.
- Listen to the voices of parents and care givers, voices of youth, and system stakeholders.
- Approach is relationship-based care.
- Process
- Contact FNP via email or phone (and ensure live in catchment area)
- Triaged via navigator, no waitlist so quick response
- Intake Assessment
- Consultation process
- Resource finding
- Exploring options with family/ youth
- Work collaboratively with other services
- Continued support to family/youth
- Example: school refusal. School placement not working. Trying to figure out root of why kids won’t go to school (bullying), Learning disabilities, and work with school to help figure it out.
- Follow-up
- Case Presentation Shared:
- Situation: 17 year old youth, student going to school. Student hadn’t slept in a few days, wrote suicide note. Mom took him to a hospital. Luckily they had contact with the youth. He described his brain in overdrive and jumped from topic to topic. Had early diagnosis of ADHD. Alcohol addiction and drugs. Mom wanted direction.
- They provided – Facility communication amongst providers. They were in touch with the youth and his consent. They offered the parents support.
- Crisis Distress lines (RAAM clinics Rapid access, YSAP (Youth Substance abuse program)); Addictions, withdrawal management; Mental Health and therapeutic support/assessment; Family – peer support groups, counselling; school guidance and social work and making sure school support in place to be successful.
- Connect
- Questions:
- Parent Question – Works for Min. of Health, never heard of FNP; how to help?
- Answer – they don’t adverstise, most is word of mouth. Schools reach out to get presentations. The race also provides support.
- Question – How do you expand this to serve more people?
- Answer: Not sure exactly, not her expertise but being discussed.
- Question – Complicated system and wait times are difficult. Do you help identify what the child needs and get access to the right doctor?
- Answer – they can’t jump queues, but they have access to a lot of resources (eg 8 walk in clinics in city), public & private solutions.
- Question/comment – parent is family doctor and only heard about this a couple of months ago and congratulated them. There are other services that are coming on board to help youth and are online moderated by healthcare professionals eg Stella’s place, family doctor is a good place to start.
- Response – yes, they work with family doctors.
- Question – when to seek help, when level of anxiety is great and school refusal is greater. At what point should we seek help.
- Answer: no right/wrong answer but never a bad thing to seek help
- Question – do you make recommendations
- Answer: no, provide options as the family/student is in control. Suggestions are just through people they know, and lots in the city.
- Question – do you have workshops for parents/students for schools
- Answer – not sure but probably could come up with people.