Minutes February 27, 2012

LPCI School Council

  1. Welcome by Co-Chairs.
  2. Motion to accept Minutes made by C. Poole.  L. Pendrill seconded. Motion passed.
  3. Student Council:  Graydon and Stuart updated Council on recent activities.
  4. Principal’s Report: L. Jovanovic

School had a facilities visit with focus on safety. School had 4 minor items to be corrected which have now all occurred.

Student Survey completed regarding bullying. Report will be analyzed and suggestions will be forthcoming.

Update on semi-formal followed by discussion.

  1. November Ward Meeting Report: L. Turkish

2 issues were discussed: 1 of the Reps has moved on and needed to be replaced

Removal of textbooks and replacement by e-books is the direction the the Ministry of Education is moving with hopes to have this completed by 2015.

  1. Fundraising Update: M. Yach

LPCI Foundation now has the ability to solicit on-line donations through Canada Gives. Receipts will be issued for donations.

L. Pendrill: Campaign to replace fround floor auditorium chairs have raised $70,000.  Project budget is $180,000.

7.    Meeting Adjourned. Next meeting April 23rd.

ck each year for next meeting.

6.  Meeting adjourned.