LPCI School Council Meeting
Next meeting: Monday April 8, 7 p.m.
Attendees: Bryan Seaton, Ian Aukema, Kelly Green, Anne Marie Armstrong, Erika Boone, David Cargill, Julie Sole, Jacqui Zender, Dominica Larkin, Jill Bellenger, Anne Maenhaut, Kyra Kappele, Candy Dinnick, Jacqueline Fry, Liz Hanson, Anna Richter, Claire Murphy, Vanessa Bond, Veronica Bak, Tia Butler, Tara Benedett
Important Dates coming up: (For full list look at the LP Calendar)
- Feb 8th – 24 hour challenge this Friday.
- Feb 11th – Matchmakers Survey run by Student Council
- Feb 12th Parent teacher interviews
- Feb 14th – Cupid’s café – $2
- Feb 27th – Pink Shirt Day Wellness Committee – This is a national event with the goal of raising bullying awareness and fostering positive self-esteem. Parent Council will accept donations for the dessert table.
- March 27th – Literacy test for Students in Grade 10 including retakes ( Mandatory to pass)
- April 4th – *Save the Date* for Parent Social,
- Week of April 29th – Wellness Week
Students’ Council Report: Will and Maddie
- Thursday Jan 31 & Friday Feb 1– Annual dance show, Huge turnout, successful event, and funds went to Boost for kids, a Charity to eliminate abuse
- Theme Charlie & the Chocolate Factory – sold most tickets. Feedback was awesome.
- LP Wear – In process of collecting LP wear. No more purchases can be done at this time. Order will go in soon and should be delivered before March break.
- Feb 8th – 24 hour challenge this Friday. Compete in various athletic challenges. Proceeds to athletic department.
- Feb 11th – Matchmakers – participating students fill out survey in home form. Boys & girls get matched up with kids based on set criteria in the survey – in same birth month/etc.. pay $2 and get list of who you match with.
- Feb 14th – Cupid’s café – New event for this year. South end of Cafeteria. Valentine’s theme. Music, magic act and much more. $2 entry or bring someone on your matchmaker list and get in $2 for both.
Executive Council Report: Anna, Julie, Ian, Kelly, Erika, Anne Marie, Veronica, Liz
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: Anna Richter
- Dec 3rd 2018 meeting: motioned by: Veronica Bak seconded by Vanessa Bond
- Jan 21st 2019 meeting: motioned by: Veronica Bak seconded by Bryan Seaton
FOLLOW UP to previous Meetings on Dec 3, 2019 and Jan 21. 2019
Welcome Ian Aukema as new co-treasurer – Anna Richter
- Transition between now and next meeting on April 4th 2019
- Motion for Ian Aukema to become treasurer since Tina Eng wishes to resign from position. Thank you to Tina for her work on LP school council.
- Motioned by Jaqueline Fry, seconded by Julie Sole.
Improving Communications – Julie Sole
- Previous meeting suggestion to improve format of Eye email with more info in the cover note especially for phone format.
- Developing a communication working subcommittee: council, admin and students
- We continued to add information to our website as things occur/changing with school council.
- If information missing please let us know.
- Getting emails out as fast as we can, apologize for late getting the agenda out but working volunteers.
- Created a small working group Anna, Kelly and Julie to discuss digital footprint they want for the school. New app being considered by TDSB for online calendar journal and other programs. Anna, Julie & Kelly will attend presentation with staff Wed. Feb 6th.
- Tough to get wrap around everything going on at the school and look at an online tool to take advantage and manage everything that’s going on. Joel has been talking about it and invited parent group to look at a solution.
- Parent Question – Any apps being looked at, can they be shared for parents to perhaps provide feedback.
- Joel’s answer: Last year there was a real lack. Freisens who does yearbook has an app that they’re going to look at. Very responsive. It’s very neat and would replace student agenda book. Calendars would be live, so if meetings were cancelled the notification could go out immediately.
- Kelly’s comment: App called – Myschoolday – and in 8 TDSB schools today. Rave reviews so far.
Safe & Caring Schools – Veronica Bak
- Committee hasn’t met again due to cancellation last week with the snow. Meeting tomorrow. Looking into Vaping talk from Lung Association.
- Parent comment – Glenview brought in someone on vaping that heard was very good. Other comment was it may have been phys-ed teacher.
Facility Repairs: Anna Richter
- quite a few done in December; Principal will update us later in meeting
Sense of Engagement in Fine Arts: Anna Richter
- Anna to follow up – carried over from Dec 3rd meeting – will reach out to ASL and hopefully high quality graphics printer can enhance students experience and engage them better.
Family Navigation Project: Anna Richter
- followed up with additional materials which Anna provided to Guidance
Charitable Status: Ian Aukema
- From Jan 21, 2019 Meeting, a decision was made to seek charitable status to provide charitable receipts, parent participation, matching donations from companies (needs to be registered charity), parent expectations to get a tax receipt. Parents can attend meeting and see how their funds are used, vote and encouraged to participate.
- Tax receipts need to be issued. Tax returns need to be filed and information stored at LP.
- Parent Question: Timing = Application in about 2 weeks. Timing depends on CRA.
- Joel’s comments: Ask that we don’t rush into it, but to review school council mandate on whether this is permissible before we proceed. He’ll hear back from the comptroller and get back to us.
- Parent Question – why can other schools do it?
- Joel – nothing to permit people being in a group and do it.
Donation Drive Update: Anne Marie Armstrong
- Goal $12,000. To Date raised $4,700. Our donation drive does continue and going to address outstanding balance of request for fundraising.
- Met with Joel and optional collection in fall of 2019 as optional charge / unit to be added onto SAC to support student council. This may be supported by changes from TDSB. That may involve set up individual accounts for schools and councils.
- Direct donation drive is not a direction on parent engagement. Winter Musicale, there was a fund of approximate $6000 raised, paid for by parents which is retained in support of the music program. United Artists proceeds went to charity, Rainbow Railroad and was well attended and Dance show (400 Thursday, 300 Friday) at $12 is about $7000, proceeds to charity estimate about $7,000, so the parent community is donating to the school in multiple ways to the parent body.
- Parent Question: There are interest points like musicale, can the money be split between an outside charity and support the arts at LP, vs it give all to an outside event. Eg Friday night lights, could half go to support athletics and half to charity of kids in need.
- Response – Valuable message to get out there. Parent Council doesn’t have any control over.
- $125/student for 24 hour challenge, 100% is going to the physed dept as their budgets were reduced and they needed to
- Response – Dance show – makeup, costumes, so some money does get put back into the school.
- Teacher Comment: 100% charity for 24 hour challenge, has changed over the years to 100% to the school. Dance Show, some funds held back to buy lights/backdrop and part to charity.
- Parent Question: Can Parent Council get the numbers to share how much is going back to the school and to charities.
- Response: Joel said he can look into.
- Parent Question – If we’re raising money to the school, does it affect how much we get from TDSB?
- Response – it has no bearing. LP gets very little extras. Snowboarding, hockey would all be cancelled if no extra funding from parent support. Basketball = $1200 to run. $7000 from the school, so that only supports a few teams.
- Parent Question – does everyone get the same budget from TDSB?
- Response: No, some innercity schools get $1M and have brand new fields and gyms. LP has to report every dollar spent.
- Parent Question – How is this year 100% of 24 hour challenge is going to the athletic council. Is there influence for that decision to be made and should it be raised as an option for students to consider donating back to the school.
- Response: – it was a need /education. Last year fitness room. This year it’s to run the athletic program.
- Parent Question – Direct Donation – do we know why people aren’t donating.
- Answer – charitable status. Joel says we don’t need it. If we give to the school. Last year TFSS was used to provide tax receipts and still only raised $6700 in tax receipts for 2017/18.
- Minutes from last meeting are posted on the LP Parent Council Website.
- Parent Question – Isn’t it at Glenview where they suggest a dollar value per student.
- Response – that’s being looked at for next year and donation will remain optional.
Wellness: Kelly Green
- LP’s Wellness Council is composed of a group of very enthusiastic students, who under the guidance of Angela Papanicolaou, organize educational and social activities aimed at increasing mental health and well being at the school. I am a part of the team of administrators and teachers who meet with the students monthly and assist them with these initiatives.
- Mindfest This past month, 20 of our wellness council members were invited to attend a conference at U of T, dedicated to increasing leadership at the high school level on a variety of wellness topics. Our students attended sessions which included looking at the impact of the legalization of cannabis, anti-bullying campaigns with youth, especially marginalized youth, and peer support training for recognizing and assisting with mental health issues. Our students also had the chance to meet with U of T students to talk about the transition from high school to university and dealing with any anxiety that can cause…the feedback was that they found this really helpful
- Bell Let’s Talk Day was this past Wednesday January 30th. Many staff and council members could be seen wearing their Bell hats and talking to the students about the importance of supporting one another. The council organized a photo booth in the main foyer where students could have their pictures taken and post on social media as part of Bell’s fundraising campaign. They served free hot chocolate and cookies to students and everyone participating joined in writing positive messages on Bell print outs for display. And a draw was held for 10 free hats as giveaways. The council was pleased with turnout – over 250 students participated.
- The next event coming up is Pink Shirt Day on February 27th. This is a national event with the goal of raising bullying awareness and fostering positive self-esteem. It is always a hugely successful day as students are encouraged to come to school wearing pink and practice kindness. The council will be hosting a pink dessert table again this year, so we will be looking for contributions. If you’re interested in helping, we have a sign up sheet here.
- Lastly, Students are in the process of planning for Wellness Week which takes place during the week of April 29th. It’s a dedicated week to wellness activities and education including an assembly organized by the students. This year will focus on anxiety and depression, the two key issues that came up in the TDSB student survey, and will feature the student voice during the assembly.
- TDSB Parent Conference is coming up Saturday March 3. Great day. On TDSB website. Wellness session will be about 20 events, plus many others.
Staff Breakfast: Erika Boone
- Snowy staff breakfast with Hawaiian theme. Teachers had zero place to park due to snowstorm. They came in a little stressed, but was a great breakfast. Thanks to all the parents that baked and helped set up and clean up.
- Teacher Response – It was lovely! Decorated so nicely, thank you very much!
Ward 8 & Trustee News: Anna Richter
- Attended Jan 22nd, 2019 meeting: New PAIC Rep for new Ward 8 – elected Kaydeen Bankasingh (Baycrest & Polyani); alternate: John Bakous (North Prep)
- Multi-year strategic plan: School Improvement, Service Excellence And Governance ; under school improvement , this includes “Transform Student Learning” : deep learning – global competencies; deep learning – mathematics; deep learning- literacy; Grade 9 & 10 Academic; indigenous education; toward excellence in the education of black students
- Rep from LPCI requested to attend Ward 8 meetings – next one will be Thursday March 7, 7 pm at Hodgson Sr PS, followed by morning meeting first week of April 1; attend either or both and report back to us at our Apr 8 meeting
- Will have a development and enrolment meeting later in the year dealing with 3 year projections
- Also provides opportunity for exposure to finance committee where contracts approved for improvements to LPCI
- Includes parents from other schools as well as some teachers, principals and vice principals (nb: about 15-20 people so not too huge a group), an opportunity for a quick chat with the trustee or possibly school superintendents
- Anyone interested? Please email
School Administration Meeting Jan 25, 2019: Anna Richter
- Few student run councils requests for funding – AR pursing this and sent out renewed email directly to all staff advisors
- Possible English language public speaking contest or festival reintroduced (following Council’s grad survey suggesting that public speaking skills development would be beneficial), considering less memorization, more ‘Ted talks’ format
- Regarding 3rd Teacher enhancements outside the classroom, some interest by VP Bibla in developing the cafeteria area as an alternative studying/teaching space as well improving social atmosphere
- Difficulty filling teaching positions ( leaves, etc)– suggests parents advocate to alleviate limitations of right 274 (defers to seniority) to bring current, vibrant teachers to LP
ANYONE WILLING TO WRITE TO ONT GOVT? - Right 274 – hire by seniority. If anyone happy to email provincial gov’t. Provincial Bill. Tories are reviewing it. Hard to replace a teacher when they go on a leave.
- Parent Question: Would that be a labour law?
- Response from Joel: No. There are few qualified teacher for French, math and hard to get a qualified teacher at times. Sometimes takes 3 weeks to find a teacher.
Track and Field improvements
- initial step taken, board will review our request for viability review and visit planned for Feb 22 2019, including distant future possibility of new gym too
Fundraiser: Anne Marie Armstrong
- Parent Social – Fundraiser – Terrific response last year. Last year was the first parent Social and we raised $13,000. Goal for 2019 Social is $10,000 to go towards list of initiatives already drawn up by the school.
- Thursday April 4th – Save the Date will be going out! We’ll be calling for donations – to Candy and Jacqueline who will run that
- Online Auction again this year. Some will be online again this year.
- Jam 0 Students from LP were performing on main floor. The kids loved it. Location moved to Drums and Flats. Teacher band may happen.
- Donate items. Call for silent auction items will go out this week so if you have any good bottles of wine, or access to good items, or experiences.
- Field – A lot of support in the room in the past to get the track replaced. Initiation to have board look at track, and gym. Viability request form filled out by Joel. Feb 22nd they’ll be coming onsite to review. Application is in ‘large and complex’ category; could intiate development of master plan . We’ll get more information on next steps after that. Expectation that will be a whole bunch of next steps and initiatives. Many things we can do to get alumni, corporations involved.
- Anna Comment – LP would benefit from a clear master plan which includes design for long term growth and increased attendance. It should also be phased for development in suitable stages. This viability review could trigger development of master plan for LPCI.
Welcome Committee: Liz Hanson
- Anyone interested in being on the Welcome Committee, please email parent council email at: lpcshool for Liz Hanson. It won’t take a lot of time and if ideas to do something else please let us know.
- There was a parent social for new parents at end of 2018. Comment back were there wasn’t enough notice. It was a snowy night but about 30-35 parents did come out to Safari’s.
- Interest in having a new event in September for parents and children in Grade 9 or new to the school.
- Parent Social for all parents coming up April 4th.
Volunteer Outreach: Anna Richter
- Expanding executive, overlap in tenures would be helpful to incoming executive.
- If want to bring an alternative voice, to add some diversity of vision to reflect you child’s experience or enhance your child’s experience, there is no time like the present.
- It is our council and can perhaps be more ‘your’ council with your active participation. Best to start soon to become more involved.
- If you have offered to volunteer and have not been contacted, please speak to me or email me at lpcshool Apologies if we have not reached out sooner.
- Looking for Nicole Spence. She kindly offered to volunteer but Nicole’s email address was misplaced – please reach out again
- Volunteers needed re upcoming parent social fundraising event, welcome committee (tips and social subcommittees), re PIAC and Ward 8 Rep, council administrative functions, letter re right 274
Principal’s Report: J. Gorenkoff
Share a couple quick dates
- African Heritage Month has begun – guest speakers,
- PD Day Feb 15th and Family Day Feb 18th
- Feb 7 – report cards> There will be a white one / blue one or both. Blue is only for math class in Grade 12 or Civics and Career in gr 10.
- If not what you expect check screen time.
- Talk about resilience if mark isn’t as good and how can you improve it. Don’t bail from courses but figure out
- Feb 12th Parent teacher interviews.
- Assess attendance – across the province being late is being impacted.
- Homework – if child says no homework he guarantees they have homework or studying. You can always call the teacher.
- Arts – alive and well at LP. Kiwanis Music Festival for music and drama
- March 27th – Literacy test for Students in Grade 10 or if they didn’t pass it when they were in Grade 10. Mandatory to pass.
- TDSB website – Parent Concern Protocol. Issues come up with parents about teacher. It talks to order of events. Call teacher first, not the principal/ trustee. Start with the teacher. If you don’t get satisfaction from the administration, then move to the next step. It’s important to go in order. What if not happy with what’s going on in the classroom – pass to College of Teachers. It’s very rare and none have happened in the school. Also remember there are great guidance counselors. Every student has a guidance counselor and VP assigned to them.
- Parent Question – If students away Feb 7th how do they get their report card
- In the Office when they’re back.
- Parent Question: Finding supply teachers. We lost a Grade 11 math teacher. It seemed to be resolved very quickly. Comment was for admin to communicate what was going on as the rumors caused anxiety, worse if parents who were involved were told on a staggered level. Understandable that the Principal’s hands are tied on what can be said when, so perhaps info could be communicated through parent council
- Response: Hesitates as there are frequent staffing changes. Often the replacement will share with that class. He could put in the Eye. It only affects a small group.
- Parent comment: 1 teacher on leave affects about 180 students, not such a small number.
- Parent comment: Their child didn’t have a digital media teacher and didn’t know why. Perhaps staffing news section at the bottom of Eye. “Eg Digital Media teacher on leave”.
- Response: there is a fantastic teacher in there now.
- Course Selection – Visits to the classrooms have been finished. Was communicated in The Eye so check there.
*** 8PM PRESENTATION *************************************************************
21st C Learning and Global Competencies:
Introduction: Anna Richter
Davos 2019: Globalization in a digital age – D McKay Davos summary excerpt:
“This year’s theme was Globalization 4.0, a concept hatched at Davos to explain the coming age of intelligent and ubiquitous technologies that will connect everyone and everything in ways the previous engines of globalization – steam, electricity and computing – could not. In this new era, smart machines will shape our companies and communities and advance technologies will be embedded in every object, and perhaps every person we encounter. It will be an age when data isn’t just the new oil; it will be the new water; the lifeblood of everything our society will want and need. The prospects can be unnerving, but I came away encouraged, with more clarity about how transformative technologies and a new generation of thinking can take our world into the next stage of globalization, and make it more decent, democratic, and distributed.”
Christina Shin (ACL of Digital Literacy and School Wide Initiatives)
Suzanne Sparrow (Teacher in Canadian & World Studies Department)
- Global competencies introduction shared at prior parent council meeting.
- 5 Global Competencies they’ve been working with:
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Global Citizenship and character
- Communication
- Collaboration and leadership
- Creative Inquiry and entrepreneurship
Examples: Canadian World Studies
- Grade 9 students did a vote – they did a poster looking at the election and the mayor. They had to do research and post in the school.
- Grade 10 in Civics – put for political candidate’s information.
- Day of the election the students had a vote and compared with what the city did. The whole school was involved by voting.
- The vote was similar to the results from the city.
- Podcasts
– History dept is doing podcasts created by the student, or kids could create a video.- VR Goggles – App = Expedition. Approved for new set of goggles.
- Rule in classroom = sit in chair when wearing the VR Goggles. So they can travel in class to expeditions etc.
- PSA – Public Service Announcements.
- Grade 9s made PSAs with music, the transitions, they did an outstanding job.
- Parent Question – For the students that are struggling without strong sense of self, do those competencies act as a barrier. What has been done for those that may be struggling or have lower sense of self.
- Answer: Many teachers also struggle with the competencies. We’re relearning as some teachers are still learning as iPad came out just 14 years ago. Give people an opportunity to play. Leadership and communication. Google classroom is good for kids to do things on the google classroom instead of verbal.
- Business and Social Science Program – DECA (deca.org/about/)
- Science
- Challenging to have speakers so doing Virtual Researchers on Call (VROC). They speak to researchers live. Anyone can register an account. They’re all vetted and police checked. Research roles to keep grants, so they’re interested. One was brain surgery; robot dogs to detonate bombs, etc.
- Library – trying to set up communal space.
- One example the kids hung out for 75 minutes with a particle physicist
- English
- Fairytale Videos. – Entire English department trying to do many things.
- Technology
- Tej Engineering 9 and 10, Communication Tech, but in this area it’s about creating a prototype. The engineering design process. They did the wind turbine, video game creation, tetrix robotics, parallax robotics, 3d Printing, smart environments, wearable technology assistive technology. Race car, eCar, SMART transportation.
- It’s been important to raise kids confidence and try things that are new, and get over the fear of failing.
- Shinny award – everyone wins a shiny – best speed/design/.. so everyone builds upon each others ideas.
- SMART Environment – the made their own VR environment. Girls came up with a smart closet – based on the weather what to wear. Talked about people walking across cross walks looking at their device vs the cars.
- Wind Turbine – from the story “The Boy that Harnessed the Wind”
- Arduino – basic circuitry / circuit boards. They consulted with U of T engineering that other areas other than Toronto had computer experience with circuitry but not this experience. You can get good kits for home.
- Math – Hour of code
- Characteristics of an Innovative Leader
- Value diversity and inclusion
- Excel at teamwork
- Build trust
- Have deep expertise
- Set high goals
- Set things in motion sooner than later.
- Professional Development Training for Staff
- Had Math focused PA Day – Dec /18
- 6 threads of Inclusive design with learning coach
- Their second 3D printer was purchased from the Parent Council Donations. It’s really helped the program.
- Parent Question: Everything you’re doing is exciting. You had a whole wealth of knowledge that we could send our kids out to in STEM or one day events for students to attend. How to find them.
- Joel’s comment – our school is further along.
- Response: Students in grade 9 are more into this global competency that prior years, so perhaps more exposure to STEM. Many teachers comfort level has improved. TDSB STEM dept and STEM coordinator but mainly focused on elementary level. U of T engineering has enriched forensics engineering. Economically priced and real enrichment.
- Perhaps if they can do a guidance blast that is STEM oriented.
- Parent Question: Difference between the two:
- Response: Taj Engineering – building/robotics; Digital media – photo shop, graphic design and critical art. The smart closet they started in mindcraft.
REMINDER : Save the date: April 4th 2019 PARENT SOCIAL
Motion to Adjourn the meeting: motioned by Bryan Seaton seconded by: Julie Sole