Minutes January 22, 2024

LPCI School Council Meeting www.lpschoolcouncil.ca
22 Jan2024 @6:30pm Virtual format
Next Meeting: Feb 26, 2024 @ 6:30p. format tbd

  1. Welcome
  • Motion to approve the agenda. Motion approved.
  • Motion to approve minutes from 20 November 2023 meeting. Motion approved.
  • All minutes from past meetings available on LPCI council website.
  1. Student Council Report
  • Therapy dogs were a success. Spirit cards were used to participate.
  • Cupid’s Café next big activity to be held on Valentines’ day. Baked goods and student
    performances. Not just music, jokes, any talent welcome to participate.
    o Question: Do you need parents to bake for the event? Response: No. Currently, home
    room reps are handling the baking.
  • Dress for Success club. Doing a formal clothing drive for women’s clothes. Outside auditorium
    from Jan 10-Feb15 to collect clothes.
  1. Principal’s Report
  • Feb 29th Let’s Pause Day. Hope to incorporate into the LP culture. This will incorporate events
    for all students – not just the skiers. 20-30 activities planned. Skiing still the big one – Basketball,

Soccer, Badminton, Bowling, Laser Tag, Movies, Chess, – some events on site at LPCI, some off-
site . Some activities will have costs. A fund available for any students who need assistance

with funds. Looking for parents who want to volunteer for the activities. Council will be
involved hosting a hot choc table at the school. Council is also happy to host another event at
the school. Circle back to that.
o Question: Do you want council to manage volunteers? Response: Not sure at this
point. Probably depending on # of volunteers.
o Question: Are these full day activities or can you pick two. Response: Some are full day
(skiing) some can be combined – morning/afternoon.
o Question: Is it first-come first-served for all activities. Response: Yes, a cap on some
activities depends on activity and yes will be first-come first-served. School cash-online
– whoever pays first will be confirmed first.

  • Feb 13th

. Have several new affinity groups in the school. Something that students have in
common with building student community. Met with leaders to assist with them being
sustainable and creating programming that shows steps for remaining sustainable. Leaders and
representatives from all clubs are invited to an event at Microsoft head office for a day of
discussion and training. Microsoft and many other corporations have affinity groups and know
how to manage them to create a sustainable product.

o Question: Are leaders typically gr. 12 students? Response: Yes. That is one of the
concerns with sustainability. The group representatives going will be mix of senior and
junior students.
o Question: How many kids going? Response: about 50-60 kids. A rep of all groups will
be there.
o Question: Is is reasonable to have Equity Council Reps involved and assist. Response: It
would be positive to have representation from school council join the event – Equity
reps could be invited as the council representative.

  • March 7th Black Student Alliance Conference for midtown schools being organized. Will
    elaborate at next council mtg.
  • Exams. School Council often field questions re teachers, marks, etc. The process is as follows – –
    Parent/Caregiver is always advised to have a conversation directly with teacher in regard to
    concerns. If further discussion is needed, parent/caregiver should approach the Dept Head.
    Then V.P. if needed. Always start with teacher before elevating your concern.
    o Question: What about general concerns about the school? Response: Any general
    concerns can be brought to Principal. He will ensure they are fielded by proper
    o Question: What are the dates of exams, credit rescue, etc. for this term? Response: All
    dates are on school calendar. New Term begins Friday, Feb 2.
    o Question: Does my child only attend school if writing an exam during exam period.
    Response: Yes, only for exam and exam review date.
  • School being converted to hot water from steam. Tedious and means holes in the ceilings. No
    concern for student safety. Company is permitted in school after 5pm. Everyone else must be
    out by 5pm
    o Question: How long will this work take? Will it be done within weeks? Response: Done
    by summer/early autumn.
  • Boys’ bathrooms repair update. Some repairs done to structure but still plumbing issues
    ongoing. All-gender bathroom out of commission due to leak in the ceiling.
  • General Questions for Principal
    o Question: When does course selection begin for 2024/25 year? Response: Late Feb.
    Please check school calendar and updates will be in weekly emails.
    o Question: Re ban on cell phones. Response: Nothing to share currently. Trying to see
    what ban means – all out or phones may be only used for educational purposes.
  1. Council Committee Updates (as needed)
  • Chair/Vice Chair
  • Congrats to all who have volunteered and supported council this far in the year. Looking
    forward to the next half of the school year.
  • By Laws. New LPCI Bylaws have been submitted to PCO. Not approved yet. Actual Exec
    roles is supposed to include grade reps for all grades. Currently we have a grade 12 rep.
    Happy to add all grades for this year if community would like those positions added. If
    anyone interested or would like to discuss, please reach out to Marni or Lana. Attempt to
    ensure 2 ppl per role each year. One of members needs to commit to 2 years to ensure
    continuity. Once bylaws are approved, they will be available on website.
  • Staff appreciation lunch this past December 2023. LP Parent community outdid themselves.
    Thank you to all volunteers. It was a great success.
  • Ski Team has a meet on Feb 6/Feb 14. Need parent volunteers. Help with bibs/gates. Lift
    tickets will be paid for volunteers – location: Mount St. Louis. Volunteers must drive
    themselves to hill.
  • Winter Let’s Pause Day. Feb 29th

. Council will host a hot chocolate table. Looking for ideas
for Council to host a second event/table that is fun and unique. Ask that everyone on the call
tonight, brainstorm ideas and submit to us.
o Question: Could we have a student dance as the council sponsored activity on Let’s
Pause Day? Response: No dances this year. None of the schools will be having them.
Principal is happy to a conversation re the reasons with parents/caregivers.
o Question: Is this off the table for next year? Response: Usually comes up in May/June
Principals’ meeting. Schools will move in lockstep because midtown schools have similar
characteristics and challenges, so we work together.

  • Fundraising Committee
  • Holiday Tasting Tour Nov 2023. 2

nd annual was an expanded version from previous year.
Build and foster community. Will implement changes for betterment for next year. Most
restaurants want to be involved in next event.

  • Drums and Flats 80’s Craze – Date TBD however, looking at week of April 15th

. Restaurant
trying to avoid NHL playoffs. Committee is looking for auction items (small and large) for
silent auction. People don’t need to attend event to bid on auction items. It is online for all
the community to participate. Also have corporate sponsors – at different levels. Parent
only event.

  • Direct Donation Campaign. Successful. Identified a strategic objective of administration to
    support. Waiting for the specific proposal to come though from organizer. Will share with
    community where the funds are going to at a future date. Currently looking at most
    effective way to spend the direct donation campaign funds.
  • Student enrichment Fund: Many teachers applied and rec’d funds for engaging students
    within and outside the classroom. Reviewed different applications. $6700 (of $8000
    allocated) has been spent Full list of accepted proposals will be available on website and
    exact spend will be outlined in monthly treasury reports. Proposals came from all genres to
    ensure that all students are represented in the disbursement. Some examples of proposals
    received are:

? Snow board fees
? Anthology of Cdn Scripts
? Art supplies
? Yoga mats for all gym classes
? Geo cue cards
? Fitness area upgrade
? Music festival transportation cost
? Self care anti stress kits

  • Alumni Committee
  • 50th anniversary for grad year 1974. June event.
  • Building website – getting volunteers from students. Looking to build a club. Continuing to
  • Treasurers’ Report
  • Please see separate document posted on website.
  • Other Business
  • None.
  • Adjourn.
  • Motion to adjourn. Motion passed.