LPCI School Council Meeting
1. Review and approval of agenda
L. Addis approved agenda
Seconded by G. Wyett
2. Approval of October 2014 Council meeting minutes
D Bougher and approved minutes Seconded by G. Wyett
3. Student Update
- Grade 12 University visits are continuing on Wednesdays
- Spirit Day at beginning of November
- Remembrance Day Assembly Nov 11
Report Cards went out mid November and parent teacher meetings to follow up - Charity week – Jacob’s Ladder – an organization started by a parent fairly well known to combat neuro degenerative diseases. On Monday we had an opening assembly – parent gave a big speech on Giving
- Charity money making events –Elf was playing on Wednesday for donations. Bake Sale – Big success; Thursday musical chairs – we taped someone to the wall and he stayed up. Friday fun day with each home room selling food etc. Big Success!
- Sports Update – Fall sports wrapped up, winter sports begin. Boys volleyball, girls basketball. Swim team started
- January and Feb – Boys basketball play 4 games. Snow board and Ski team competitions are held at end of month.
- Intermural ball hockey in gym and started rugby training. December – grad photos. Booked for grade 12 yearbooks. Winter music concert – all students participated.
- January the grade 8’s are coming for half day. Hoping to get lots of grade 8 excited about our school.
- Feb12- the dance for Grade 10-12
- Feb 5-6Th Right to Play – students at school for 24 hours without sleeping
- Sears Drama Festival February 11
4. Principal’s Update
- Students do a great job and I want to thank the teachers for being here.
- Robert Mancini – Leader of English and Literacy – runs English Dept. We have resources and we utilize them and I don’t understand the concerns regarding access to books. I am here to answer any questions.
- Main Parent Concern – students are not getting books home and the sign out process is just not adequate. Some classes are reading portions of novels. Sometimes we have to have the books at home to read. How many opportunities do students have to read a book in its entirety?
- Concern about reading novels. Curriculum by ministry is 1 per year and at LPCI, we do two. If student wants to do extra reading, the student can but it is not a curriculum expectation. Supplementary reading program in place for grades 9 & 10. For Grades 11 & 12 – with regards to books being in the classroom and not taken home – the reason why is that we have selected a number of short stories. We have enough novels to hand out. The Shakespeare plays are kept back in class because kids who take them home don’t read them and don’t bring them back. when students are in the class, we focus on the important parts. Percentage of students that become English majors are low.
- We have a higher standard of Education here!! All classes have books they can take out.
- Blue Book provides consistency for assignments that all teachers put into place; rubrics and Course Syllabus included.
- Mary MacDonald – Co- Op student teacher. – Provided us with a great presentation and educated us about apprenticeship options. University is a goal that is not for everyone. A lot of students shine in their placements. Sharing what apprenticeship is. It is education and run by Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. 80 – 90% hands on learning. One of the first placements I had this fall is a student in a restaurant.
- Kim Mitchell’s presentation: Close Selection Fast Facts. Kim did an excellent job highlighting all the facts ( See handout) Blue Print online courses Opens January 23 and closes February 9th. Guidance visits Grade 9 & 10 classes and has a large assembly for Grade 11 students.
- Ask students to number off electives in order of preference. Really important!!
- Individual Personalized Planner IPP is in My Blueprint for career planning– students are starting to get familiar with it. Really good tool and great for you to sit down with them and look at.
- Mr. Bahl – Timetable Policy is that all changes must be done by June. Tough issue amongst students and can be viewed as punitive. We questioned why this policy instituted prior to our arrival. September is challenging time for Guidance, we deal with this issue on a daily basis. Strict criteria for timetabling helps and we need to keep to it.
- Parents made comments that Guidance really works with the students to help them get want they want. Good guidance counsellors. Really nice to have it for kids.
- Principal Jovanovic commented that university students coming back saying that LP prepares students very well.
- LP Alumni came to speak to students and it was great. Students get more helpful information from them then University presentations.
- One last quick question about enrichment. Are we the only school offering enrichment? We used to offer Advance placement courses but it was contentious because some universities did not recognize. Universities are not recognizing enriched as much.
- LPCI plans to start semestering more subjects starting in Grade 12 this coming September. This year, we semestered Grade 12 Functions and Calculus. Now plan to semester 27 or 28 courses in math, business, social science, english and media. Non-semestered courses would be Arts, Sciences, Latin and English literature, Phys –Ed.
- This year, 54 Grade 12 students have gone down to part time. Advantages of semestering: Grade 12 Students can focus on fewer subjects at one time, would have 3-4 exams in January & June vs all 6-8 exams in June. First semester marks available for University ( second semester course marks would be based on April half way through)
- Parents expressed concerns that the school had not consulted with students or parents; the purpose of the change is unclear, there was no notice and students have already planned their courses (including summer school) based on current timetabling; and the potential negative impact of the change when Grade 12 students are focusing on their academics for university admission. Some students have extracurricular activities that fit better with traditional timetabling .
- It is unclear whether the school had made a final decision or whether the school would consult with parents and students on this very significant change to bring in semestering. It is the most important issue that has come up in parent council in the past three years and it requires more discussion and parent consultation. School council requests more discussion, input and notice.
- Larry Turkish will present on the school census results prior to next School Council meeting starting at 6:30pm.
The meeting concluded at 9pm
The next meeting will be held February 2nd at 7pm in the Library. Larry Turkish will present the school census results beforehand starting at 6:30pm.