LPCI School Council Meeting
Attendance: G. Wyett, D. Boughner, W. Sheremata, P. Trenton, C. Poole, P. Sweeney, M. Gurgol, L. Jovanovic, L. Turkish, A. Fonseca, K.Rein, P.Bowmilete
- Welcome by Co-Chair: G. Wyett
- Motion for review and approval of agenda – D. Boughner with second by G. Wyett
- Motion to accept March 18, 2013 and April 15, 2013 Council meeting Minutes – Motion by P. Sweeney with second by K. Rein
- Student update – no student liaison present at meeting
- Principal’s Update: L. Jovanovic
- update re June 10 false bomb threat
- drama department disappointed with parent turnout to “One Acts”
- Graduation is June 25th at 1pm
- Report cards ready July 3rd
- School office closed as of July 12th
- “Moving on up” for the incoming grade 9 students will run again in August – very successful in previous years
- Staffing – expect approximately 10 new teachers
- a) Council would like to thank the following volunteers for coordinating and supplying the yummy goodies to the Staff Appreciation Breakfast which took place on May 1:
C. Poole, M. Rozenblum, D. Rabinovitch, P. Trenton, M. Yach
b) Jennifer Kolari Speaking Event: we had a wonderful speaker in Ms. Kolari and the event was enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you to J. Rother for organizing the coffee and to all parents who donated treats. This helps create a welcoming atmosphere. Approximately 100 people attended which was a low turnout. The presentation was excellent, however, Council felt that May was too late in the year for presentations. Next year Council will recommend we limit our parent events to November and April.
Discussion regarding themes for next year’s presentations ensued. Mental health and social media were two suggested topics. We welcome all suggestions.
c) The school donation request letter for the 2013/14 school year has been written and approved by the executive council and the LPCI foundation council members. There will be more options for parents to select from with regards to how they would like their donations to be directed. The letter will be issued in August when the students pick up their schedules.
- Council Executive for 2013/2014 (voting to occur on Sept. 9th, 2013):
Lisa Gray has offered to be a co-chair with Gillian Wyett (2nd year). Alain Cohen will be stepping down as he has completed two years. M. Tam will be stepping down from her position as treasurer, and new parent S. Derasner has volunteered to fill the treasurer position. P. Sweeney volunteered to be council secretary. C. Poole volunteered to look after inter collegiate communications. Currently, the remaining positions to be filled are: 1) Ward Forum and 2) Web Master (A. Cohen will assist in this role but would like to train someone to take over).
We welcome all volunteers onto the council; especially Grade 9 parents (please don’t wait until your student is in Grade 10- get involved right away!).
- Other Business: None
- Meeting adjourned.
The first council meeting of the 2013/2014 school year will take place on Monday September 16, 2013 at 7:00pm in the school library.