LPCI School Council Meeting www.lpschoolcouncil.ca
25 March 2024 6:30p Virtual format
Next meeting: May 6,2024 @ 7:00p. format tbd.
- Welcome Remarks
a. Approve Agenda Motion to approve. Approved
b. Approve Feb 26, 2024 Minutes. Motion to approve. Approved. - Treasurer’s Report
a. Treasurer’s Report shared at meeting. Copy of report will be uploaded to the LPCI
b. Parents continued to donate to direct donation fund after the campaign ended. Cash
remaining from this campaign. - Student Council Report
a. Spring Fling – May 22. Food Trucks will be organized, with inflatables, games. Students
will need spirit cards to participate. Half day event.
b. Rhyme without a Reason – next spirit day April 4.
c. Grad hoodies distributed.
d. LP Wear distributed. Got ahead of it to make sure it went to students earlier than past
e. Athletic banquet – June 13
f. March Madness basketball intramurals. Will start week of March 25 and go for about 3
g. Student Council Elections coming up. Dates for elections will be decided and
format/dates will be introduced to student body around April 2nd - Principal’s Report
a. Calendar dates
i. April 8 – PD Day
ii. April 11 – PT interviews – afternoon/evening. Sign up links to be sent out. Sign
up is April 3rd
iii. April 12 – Credit Rescue – for students who are invited to receive extra support
to accrue the credit.
iv. May 28- 5:30-7:30 – unveiling our Indigenous Floor Map. Keynote speaker and
program. Invite feeder schools. More details to come. Save the Date.
v. Iftar – Thursday March 28 at 6PM Breaking the fast for Muslim students.
vi. Drag Queen social media celebrity to come teach senior math – 3
rd week of
April. Date TDB. Event to support the LGBQT2S+ students.
vii. Changing from steam to water for school heat/cooling system. Playing with
some room allocations. Room 210 will be turned back into a staff room by
September if all goes well.
viii. Design of new library. Seminar room will be able to house archival materials.
Goal is by end of summer 2025 for the new library.
ix. New pitch and landscaping at front of school by summer 2025.
x. Keep an eye out for university/college visits
xi. TDSB Excellence awards for Staff. Please consider nominating LPCI staff for these
xii. Questions:
- Is it possible to share library designs? Very difficult to interpret the
drawings at this stage. Once solidified they can be presented to school
council. - Still looking at custom banquets for cafeteria? Yes. Still looking at these
- TDSB Excellence awards – where to find nomination info? Google TDSB
Excellence Awards and link will be in weekly EYE. - Grad date? June 26th. Parkview Manor.
- Prom date? May 31st. Eglinton Grand.
- Council Committee Updates (as needed)
a. Chair/ViceChair
i. JSU/JSA Event – great evening. Thanks to all our corporate partners and
sponsors. Great discussions. Students did a phenomenal job of managing a
fruitful discussion.
ii. Joint letter to Trustees re the bathrooms. Letter has been drafted. Executive has
not forgotten about the bathrooms, and it will be moving forward. Parents will
be informed when letter is ready.
iii. Bike Racks/Bike Theft – could there be another solution of where the bikes go
during the day instead of current location of the racks such as moving the racks
to the back area of the school near the field? For future could bike racks be
incorporated into the new field plan? A container for the parking lot might be
an option to be used as a bike garage. Student access throughout the day would
be an issue. - Question: is there a more immediate solution such as moving the bike
racks to the back of the building? Only issue is the contractors are in
the back right now. - Question: Shipping container can be purchased for around 3K – is that
possible solution for future? TDSB would need to approve. Admin will
inquire. - Question: Could bike racks near Pool doors be moved closer to Main
doors where more activity during the day? Admin will see if this is
b. Fundraising – 80’s Craze Fundraiser April 12th – NEW DATE
i. Venue change to SAFARI upstairs – access to pool table, ping pong. Will have a
ii. Secured 180+donations. Donation deadline is Friday March 29.
iii. Link to tickets will be out shortly. $40pp for LP community – food/non-alc
drinks/ 1 drink 1?2 price for the teachers/staff of LP
iv. All money raised will go directly into the school to enrich the student
v. Event is two-fold – live parent event and online auction. Do not need to be at
the party to participate in online auction. Do not need to be member of LP
community to participate in online auction.
vi. Official goal is to raise between 25-30K
c. Engagement – Connecting Hearts and Minds
i. Schools came together to host evening with Dr. Tavares as speaker, speaking on
wellness and inclusion. Great discussion among group. Speaker was very
ii. LP donated the library as space. All schools split the speaker cost.
d. Grade 12 – Recent Alum Webinar – April 3rd
i. A webinar about prep for university for grade 12 students and their
parents/caregivers. Speakers are recent LP grads.
e. Wellness – Wellness Week – week of April 29th
i. List of events/details to come at a future date.
f. Field Update
i. Proposal put forth has cleared the various TDSB committees. Has gone through
final approval with trustees. Next step is sending out RFP for contractor to bid
on the work.
ii. Behind the scenes, we are addressing the need for a new track as well.
iii. Approx date for the turf? Being done in summer 2025.
- Other Business
a. NONE - Adjourn. Motion to adjourn. Approved.