LPCI School Council
In attendance: J. Bragg, A. Pomerant, D. Degrasse, A. Degrasse, C. Dessett, M. Dicker, M. Kutti, J. Elliot, J. Elliot, B. Mcgraw-Elian, J. Hungate, S. Desasner, B. Isakar, W. Sheremata, S. Nassar, L. Zhari, S. Michalik, I. Kovaliev, C. Nunia, M. Harrison, J. Waldon, C. Labiatt, M. Greenwald, J. Jaffary, R. Trenton, M. Gavrilina, S. Quigley, B. Butt, M. Chibby, J. Shi, L. Buchman, R. Torres-Moreno, D. Middleton, L. Gray, A. Richter, D. Carson, S. Paetkau, M. Schummer, G. Wyett
Welcome by Co-chairs : M. Schummer, S. Paetkau
Review and approval of Agenda: J. Bragg, G. Wyett
Approval of January meeting minutes: J. Bragg, G. Wyett
Student Council Update: (Josh)
Josh gave a brief summary for the parents of activities in February and March as he had to attend a drama production. Course selection finalized, Sears Festival on March 7th, March 31 grade 10 Literacy tests
Principal’s Update:
-Speech Assembly winners for both the English and French competitions were announced – information will be in the EYE.
-A parent requested that the speech competitions not be scheduled at the same time as Kiwanis next year.
-Parent teacher interviews are finished for the term, African Heritage Month in February
Recognition of International Women’s Day on March 8 – Articles will be discussed in English and Social Studies classes as well as a display in the school.
-EQAO practices during class and after school. On the day when they write literacy test, this year there will be classes in the afternoon.
Lillian prepared a power point presentation
Clarified that the school intends to have football, however very clearly stated it was dependent on a staff supervisor committing to supervise the senior team. She will be meeting with the Wildcats on March 23rd to discuss a potential relationship with equipment.
They are starting the staffing process as the students have chosen their courses. Admin then determines the sections they are going to run. The teaching roaster is expected to change with choice of classes by students and because of the decline in students due to optional attendance. There will be bumping of teachers and changes in every school due to school closers and teachers being moved around based on seniority. As of March 7 we are at 1285 students, 1188 students enrolled for 2016/2017.
Currently we have 73 teachers, 8 of those are part time = 69 Full time equivalent
30 clubs and 41 sports teams at the school currently. Teachers end up supervising more than one club or sport.
Expecting over a dozen teachers to not be with us next year due to personal leave, transfers or promotions. The ability for a sports team to run from one year to the next depends on how available the teaching staff is.
TDSB staffing – Lillian feels that recruiting for a staff member to commit to football right now would be premature as staff could change their mind by next year or be bumped and not even be here next year. Currently they are looking for staff advisors for a number of sports: Girls Rugby, Boys Rugby, co track and field.co tennis.co. water polo volley girls softball,boys basketball. Lillian said it is not fair, equitable or just to lobby for football and ignore the other ones.
A parent asked if during the hiring process teachers could be hired who are interested in doing extracurriculars. VP Nancy stated that they do look for well rounded individuals, but that curriculum expertise comes first. In addition, what potential staff say they will do in interviews has not also been what they do once they have the job.
M. Dicker spoke on behalf of many parents and supporters of football. She stressed the importance of sports for students and the legacy of football at LPCI. Supporters of football are very concerned over the lack of staff advisors and the risk to continuance of the program. The parent representatives feel that we do not need to focus on the wildcats as a first priority. The senior football coach and many alumni were in attendance at the meeting to show support and stress the importance of sustaining a football program. The program has run for 16 years with one dedicated advisor and supporters are frustrated that he school is now seeming to require 2 advisors or no senior team can run. The supporters are asking for school support to secure a staff member.
The admin is very concerned with the amount of class time that staff misses to be present to advise sports and activities. Parents present were very understanding of this and no one disagrees that the curriculum is priority.
A recurring question is…
Is the TDSB doing anything to help with this problem of a shortage in staff supervisors for sports, music, drama and clubs? Mike Kutti offered his help to approach the TDSB in concern for all activities and solve the issue across the entire school board. We all want our schools to be successful.
Graduation update: June 29th, 2016
The commencement this year will be different because of the large number of students and not being able to fit students and guests in the auditorium. The commencement will happen at 1pm with all kids graduating together. The students will be seated together in the north gym with live streaming of speeches back and forth. The valedictorian will speak directly to the students in the gym and be streamed to guests in the auditorium. The students overall seemed to be happy with this compromise.
If anyone would like to volunteer to assist with the grad banquets going forward….please email school council.
Held other business until next meeting as the speaker was prepared to speak at 7:30pm
No new business was brought forward.
Adjournment 7:30pm