Minutes May 6, 2024

LPCI Council Meeting Minutes
6May2024 7pm (virtual format)
Next meeting: 3 June 2024 @ 7pm (in person – school library )

  1. Welcome Remarks
    a. Approve agenda. Motion to approve. Approved.
    b. Approve March 2024 minutes. Motion to approve. Approved.
  2. Student Council Report
    a. Election week – May 6-10. Assembly on Friday to hear speeches/videos. Voting from Friday up until 2:30p Results to be announced Friday afternoon
    b. Relay for Life – group of students organizing it. Cancer fundraising – Raised 10K Double the goal.
    c. Wellness Week last week – events throughout the week.
    d. All councils are electing new exec members.
    e. Spring sports kicking off. Baseball, Tennis
    f. Therapy dogs coming back as a wellness activity.
  3. Principal’s Report
    a. Selected 5 organizations to be the charity for fundraising. Soley the organization. Annual review. Students/parents/staff involved in selection. Build a relationship with organizations. Embedded in school through guest speakers/set up tables at events.
    b. Newsletter now going out to feeder schools so new parents can see it.
    c. Black Student Alliance: conference called One Love Midtown Black Student Alliance – early March 2024. LPCI played enormous part in organizing the conference.
    d. Commencement info coming out soon. Watch the EYE weekly.
    e. Guest speaker for school wide assembly on Holocaust remembrance day on May 6,2024. Elly Gotz survivor.
    f. May 28 5:30-7:30 A call-out to entire LP community to unveil Indigenous Floor Map. Covers half the gymnasium. Map of NA but instead of customary boundaries – it is drawn purely from Indigenous advantage. Elder Dr. Duke Redbird will be special guest. Senior team of TDSB, Trustees. Reception with food.
  4. Council Committee Updates
    a. Chair Update
    i. Bathrooms: Letter will be posted on school website. Letter being sent to Shelley Laskin re bathroom cleanliness, functionality, safety. Letter was signed by LP Parent Community.
    ii. 80’s Craze Fundraiser: Huge success. About 100 ppl attended. Great food. Silent Auction over 800 ppl bidding. Grossed $39,000 Net $34K
    iii. Grad Signs available to order. Can be customized with child’s name. Direct purchase. Link will be on website to go direct to the company. All delivered to school for pick up. Deadline: May 17th for free delivery. That would allow May 24 pick up. iv. Upcoming Events: LPAC Grilled Cheese Sale (afterschool May 14th tentative date) To be determined. May 16 Dinner Theatre – 2nd annual. Intermission a local restaurant caters and there is a lovely dinner. Intermission extended for time to eat and mingle. Tickets available on School Cash Online. Need a couple of extra volunteers. May 30 – Staff Appreciation Lunch. Volunteers for food prep/ set-up/clean-up required. Email will come with sign-up genius. May 16 BBQ – Rugby game To be confirmed.

b. French as a 2nd Language Update:
i. University of Ottawa offering free virtual tutoring until end of June. One on one virtual meeting. Tutors can assist with homework or review material. Interested? Go to UofO website. More info in weekly EYE.
ii. Canadian Parents for French (CPF); Ontario) offers free for all families after school and throughout the summer for students in SK-Grade 12. Allow the opportunity for kids to learn and practice and build confidence. If interested contact Mme Benais . More info in weekly EYE.

  1. Open Discussion About Sports Culture in LP Athletics:
    Context: Previous conversations that there is grave concern that there is inequality in the sport teams. Same kids playing on multiple teams. Usually Rep players. Often parent volunteers give their time which means conflict of interest if they are part of selection for the team. For many varsity teams – if you don’t make it in grade 9 – unlikely you will ever make it. There is a group of kids who want to participate but do not bother attempting because they know it will not be possible. Grow the inclusivity so more kids can be involved. This is a problem with sport and councils. Clubs do not have the same
    Comments from the Community:

i. Comment: “Only 1 team sport per semester? Is that the rule? Most likely not – many senior football were also playing rugby and another sport in same season.”
ii. Comment: “Is it possible to have a second hockey team – junior and senior. Why only a varsity contact team? Can you have a non-contact team and contact?”
iii. Comment: “Hockey – paying for ice time for tryouts with no chance of your kids making the team. Feel duped”
iv. Comment: “Unequal play time throughout the season. Kids make the team – pay the fees. Some kids never got off the bench and a minute of playtime. This is fine during playoffs but not regular season.”
v. Comment: “Unless you play rep – then no chance of making a team. If not on team in gr.9 – no chance after that.”
vi. Comment: “Athletic Banquet. All the same kids win all the same awards. Everyone pays to be there and watch the same kids get the awards. Every sport has coache’s choice and MVP – spread the wealth. Criteria needs to looked at to ensure that more kids are being recognized.”
vii. Comment: “Kid can’t be a buddy b/c one of questions is if you have been on a school team? They can’t make a team so then it leaves them out of the buddy. This is ridiculous.”
viii. Comment: “More staff needed to coach if there are more teams. This is a concern.”
ix. Comment: “Are you only eligible for student council if you were a class rep in gr 9/10?” This seems to be the case and needs to be addressed. You need to be voted in as class rep. So if you don’t get it you can’t try for student council.”
x. Comment: “Could a kid try out for more than one sport with hopes of making the team. Then pick the team they want to join if they make more than one.”
Response: Problem would be that tryouts have to be at exactly same time and this is usually not the case. Would need to hold a spot open for possibly a week or more.
xi. Comment: “How hard is it to form a new club at the school to expand interests”. MG indicated that it is easy if club can find a staff advisor.
xii. Comment: “At Northern, student is only allowed one minor and one major per year. – the difference btwn minor/major is time commitment. “
xiii. Comment: “LP has reputation of being an extremely competitive school – sometimes kids get caught up in this and become ultra competitive and at time overly aggressive.” MG indicated that new (in school) rules may be implemented in future to ensure students follow a code of conduct while representing the school at sporting events.

b. Possible solutions to these concerns.
i. Bring in a paid coach from outside organizations to choose the teams. No bias from a coach who knows the kids. Then hand over the team to the school coach for the season.
ii. Junior and Senior teams should be formed.
iii. Limit number of teams that kids can join in one year. – i.e.1 team per season or per semester. For try-out sports only. Does not apply to walk-on teams (football, track)
iv. If you miss a try-out – you can’t quality for the team.
v. For more popular sports – have a team per grade. Not sure how that works. But is it possible. Would they have the ability to compete against other schools.
vi. If there are two teams, could the teams practice against each other.
vii. Can there be a developmental team with parent coaches who are trained by TDSB. Still must find a staff advisor for supervisor.
viii. List of clubs to be put in the weekly EYE to expand interest and get information out to LP community.
ix. What are the walk-on sport teams? Currently seems to be football and track at this point.
x. Can buddies be chosen through a lottery system? Kids who fill in application and meet any necessary (and reasonable) criteria get put in a lottery. Draw the number of ppl needed. Same with class reps. How can anyone tell that a gr 9 kid isn’t the right material to be a buddy or a class rep? Maybe getting to step up will make a difference and allow the child to grow into the role. It’s all about having good role models.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Please see separate document on council website.
  2. Adjourn. Motion to adjourn. Approved.