Minutes November 19, 2012

LPCI School Council Meeting

  1. Welcome: A. Cohen
  2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of October 15, 2012: Motion by K. Rein with 2nd by C. Poole. Approved.
  3. Student Council Report:

–       drama trip to Montreal

–       successful Remembrance Day ceremonies

–       Winter sports have commenced

–       Costume Ball a success

–       Charity Week will support “Feed the Children”

–       Report cards mailed

–       LP wear available

–       Home form reps elected

  1. School Council Meeting format change proposal – A. Cohen proposed we move to 1 meeting to be held at 7:00pm to 8:30pm with the option to call a separate Executive Meeting as needed. Seconded by U. Grieve and as there were no objections the motion is Approved.
  2. Executive Slate Update: A. Cohen presented G. Wyett for position of Co-chair. Motion to have Council approve G. Wyett for Co-chair proposed by M. Tam and seconded by L. Gray. Approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Update: M. Tam thanked all involved in the chocolate fundraising. Council currently has a cash balance of $6200.
  4. Committees Recap:

Fund Raising: D. Rabinovich advised $1500. raised.

Communication: D. Boughner suggested we solidify the objectives of our Council to ensure Council only tackles those tasks which are our objectives.

Web- A. Cohen advised we will need to decide where our funds are to be allocated in the next 1 or 2 meetings. A. Cohen requested if someone is interested in learning how to administer the web to let him know as he would like someone to take on this role.

Inter-Collegiate Liaison- Mona advised other schools did sent parents to our

October speaker event (Alex Russell). Feedback from the event was excellent.

8. Future events discussion regarding potential and suggested topics included:

–       balancing high level sports and academics

–       drugs and alcohol

–       A. Wolfe – investigate his fee- D. Rabinovich will look into this for next meeting.

–       Role and guidance for parents looking beyond high school

–       Community involvement and the teen

9. Principal’s Report- M. Gurgol advised Costume Ball was successful with no incidents. Muskoka Woods was also successful for the Grade 9s. Administration is looking for a  parent volunteer to take on the job or repairing pictures of past graduating years. Update on Bill 115 is available on the OSSTF website and the TDSB site.

Next meeting will be December 10, 2012 and this will be a social gathering in the library at 7pm. All welcome. Meeting adjourned.