LPCI School Council Meeting
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Next Meeting: Monday, December 5, 2022 @ 7pm in the library and on Zoom
Chair Pamela Wilansky, Vice-Chair Jen Dobson, Past Chair Liz Hanson, Principal Michael Griesz, Teacher Rep Suzanne Sparrow, Suzanne Duras, John Hiddema, Philip Roberts, Patricia Kay, Elena Solokhina, Robin Conliffe, Meghan Fahlenbock, Jennifer Tse (plus 51 attendees on Zoom)
Approval of September minutes: motioned to approve Marni Schulman, seconded by Philip Roberts, all in favour – approved
Vote In and Approve:
- Parent Engagement Rep – Meghan Fahlenbock
- Wellness Committee – Laira Thomas, Tatiana Lupan
Key Dates:
- Charity Week – November 21 – 25, 2022
- TedXYouth LP Application Period – Nov. 10 through Nov. 30, 2022
- OSSLT – Thursday, Nov. 24 & Friday, Nov. 25, 2022
1. School’s Report – Principal Michael Griesz
- Back to school tomorrow, terrific news, hoping for easy transition tomorrow
- Soccer final tomorrow afternoon, possibly at LPCI
- Grade 12s – had a presentation last week re: OUAC, how to process post-secondary applicationsFacility – lots going on, further furniture upgrade in the library, façade still be worked on
- LPTV Orange Shirt Day video – presentation by Indigenous LPCI student, students wrote reflections on orange paper, to allow students to guide their learning about Indigenous issues, professional development for staff
PARENT QUESTION: Online permission forms, some confusion about excursion, transportation, etc. More detailed communication from teachers?
Answer – Submission by Principal Griesz via this new excursion management application (EMA) system. Adapting to new system, teachers to send out additional info via email to students & parents.
PARENT QUESTION: Is OSSLT still taking place this week?
Answer – Rescheduled for third week of November, due to strike days.
2. Student Council Update – Anna Lingard, Emma Watts, Student Liaison Reps
- LP Wear – approval of forms in the works with vendor ‘Marchant’ with a new rep, updating catalogue and website should be ready later this week
- Will be able to order grad hoodies and LP wear at the same time so items can be worn during this school year
- Bucket Hats – having difficulty finding a vendor, possibly a future (spring) mini- launch
- Athletics – Winter sports – ski/snowboard, girls’ volleyball (tryouts this week?), boys’ basketball, varsity girls and boys hockey, co-ed curling, dodgeball intermurals, swim team
- Charity Week Nov. 21-25 – picked a charity based on mental health – ‘MylesAhead’, founded by Leslie Kulperger, Leslie visiting Nov. 21, 2022 for assembly
- L’Oreal gift basket being offered by a parent on the call
- Lunches: Mon-Thurs Clubs running events, Council events as well,
- Business Council doing a business trivia event
- Friday booth fair with home form reps doing a booth (40 booths), ie. photo booth with a panther, popcorn, trivia, parents to contribute items for a lucky draw for a gift basket
- Eco Club – purchased planters for building interior and office with goal to see what plants thrive throughout the building
- Eco Club working with partner organization re: creating a garden out of native species – spring project; Gillian Evans, VP, working with principals from our 2 feeder schools to work with Urban Indigenous Centre re: land acknowledgement with a garden
- Eco Council, Student Council – on order form for LP drop – hoping to get reuseable water bottles for Eco Council to hand out
- Ryann Fineberg – TedXYouth at LPCI Initiative – hosting a TEDX Youth event
- creating a platform for students to share new ideas via speaker videos
- to be filmed in late May and aired on the TedX YouTube channel;
- opportunity for LPCI to have student voices heard on a global scale
- applications open to students and staff to speak: Nov. 10 – 30, 2022
- topics must relate to youth open to applications
- How can the parent council get involved in getting the word out to communicate this to the student body and how can parent council get actively involved? Tickets will be sold to students, assembly a few days later so that speeches are aired at the school, with parents welcome to come to watch the videos – add to The Eye and on LPCI Parent Council IG account ()
3. Executive Reports
- Treasurer’s Report – John Hiddema, Patricia Kay
- Making progress on infrastructure,
- Testing donations – set up has still not be done at the TDSB (i.e., there is not yet a direct flow of funds from TDSB to our LPCI bank account)
- working on a more functional link for donations & specific project links
- $3,3922.00 in main account
- Fundraising Committee – Marni SchulmanDesjardins
- Insurance grant contest re: youth/child/adolescent experience: We applied for LPCI for a spring event connected to mental health, i.e., a multi-pronged initiative to help create a safe and welcoming environment in the school for students to reflect on stress and pressure, create the space, choose décor, make it their own; create green havens around school’s perimeter to tie into the planting initiatives re: leadership, stress relief, positive energy around gardening and doing things together, culminating in a session with a mental health professional re: coping skills, safe place for peer-to-peer support; January grant announcement date
- Woodward Meats fundraiser: “Get Your Holiday Grill On” – open Nov. 15 to January 1 – percentage of proceeds go toward ongoing fundraising programs at LPCI
- First Annual Holiday Market & Mingle – craft / product curated market in the school – no entry fee for shoppers, reaching out to vendors, targeting Dec. 6th; if not a lot of vendors available, then possible pivot to Mother’s Day – fundraising, supporting local businesses and artists, community engagement
- Past chair – Liz Hanson
- 2 events to host for grads / parents of grads – end of Nov / Dec / Jan – weekday eventsHow to pay for post-secondary school (merit-based vs. financial needs-based),
- University Applications: All You Need to Knowthrough an external organization – parents and students welcome to attend, and students in the younger grades.
- Dates TBD
- Facility Improvements Subcommittee – Phillip Roberts
- reviews building condition report, tracking improvement / proposal with Toronto Scottish Rugby Football Club members on the call tonight (Carolynna Gabriel, Doug Simpson, Brandon Kostyk (team captain, LPCI grad) – Carolina has an update – would like to put in a new field at LPCI – met with Mike Colle in August to discuss, we are encouraging the Board to pay for the lights so field use/rental can be extended; staff report is supportive of this kind of project and appears that the report will propose a framework that will fit the structure brought to LPCI by TSRFB, indications are positive but no concrete plans as yet. LPCI Alumni event – Campaign for new field Facebook Page
- Phillip met with Principal Griesz at end of October – identified other areas of improvement to be discussed at next Council meeting
- Environmental Protection & Action on Climate Change – Elena Solokhina
- LPCI Eco Council activated on IG – talking about recycling and other good information – students are starting to work on environmental issues – parents follow @LPCIecocouncil – speakers to be arranged for parent events – LPCI connect with UofT Eco Team for volunteer hours
- Sports Committee – Jen Dobson
- wonderful fall with lots of success – senior football team made it to the semi-finals! Sports are picking up momentum, winter sports sign-ups coming up; great BBQ events this fall – LP Wear for coaches (hoodies ($60) and coats ($80)) through our fundraising – budget, quantities and approval required; framing school photo from last June to be framed and hung in the hall, would like to make the photo an annual event
- Parent Engagement Subcommittee – Parent Engagement and Social Media – Megan Fahlenbock
- success of students is the core goal of Parent Council – parent engagement really matters in terms of child success
- Instagram page linked to a FB page for LPCI Parent Council – parents please follow @LPCIparentcouncil
- Wellness speakers, athletics, grow parent engagement
- French as a Second Language – Robin Conliffe
- Mme Benet – 3 French cultural enrichment shows have begun, 2 more shows taking place Nov. 17, Mar. 28 – pick up tickets in Rm. 301 if purchased, can still be purchased on School Cash Online
- French Language homework club called ‘Etude’ – can be one-off or during lunch hours in Room 301 – Francophone university student helping
- New sites in the neighbourhood for early FI – doesn’t affect our high schoolAre there FI online courses?
- Are families aware that families in FI program that travel a far distance can get transportation assistance for students outside of the catchment – please reach out to Robin for more info
Motion to adjourn: Jen Dobson Seconded: Pamela Wilansky
We look forward to holding the next Parent Council meeting in person in the LPCI Library. Zoom option will be available for those who cannot attend.