LPCI School Council Meeting
- Welcome by Co-Chair: A. Cohen
- Principal’s Report – L. Jovanovic
- Approval of Minutes of Sept. 10, 2012 – Motion by K. Rein and 2nd by C. Powell. Approved
- Student Council Report presented by Audrey and Eileen from the Student Council:
- sports teams are doing well
- successful Club Carousel in September
- Dodge ball intramurals underway
- Costume Ball planned for end of October (grade 11 & 12 only)
- Muskoka Woods for Grade 9’s upcoming
- Coffee House will be Nov. 1st
- Nov. 7th Math Contest
- Music department practicing for upcoming Remembrance Day Ceremonies
- School Play practicing has begun
- Dance Show starting
- Nov. 16th is a PA day.
- Treasurer’s Update: M. Tam advised last year’s budget left us with $2935. at the end of the 2011/2012 school year. All our fundraising efforts should be to drive donations through the Foundation. M. Tam requested we consider how our money is to be spent this year. To date, Foundation has received approximately $4000 in cheques and on-line about $1200. Council maintains a $3000. reserve fund. Council recommends to the Foundation how money raised is to be spent. Historically the Foundation votes on our recommendations.
LPCI has had a very busy start to the school year. Enrollment is up and the school is still hiring new teachers with the hope to have the full team in place by the end of the week. All the grade 9 students’ timetables were reshuffled and 4.5 new teachers hired as enrollment is now at 1172.
6. November 8th Special Event- An Evening with Alex Russell – A. Cohen discussed the upcoming event followed by a discussion of who would be invited (other schools) and further discussion of future speaker events. A. Cohen invited parents to submit topics or speakers for future events.
- Committees: A. Cohen discussed the benefits of Council forming committees. D.Bougher will head up the communication committee
M. Rosenblum – intercollegiate committee
Fundraising chair – Daphna volunteered
Events Chair still required.
These committees are open to any parents who wish to participate- all are welcome.
M. Rozenblum suggested a fund raising event which she would run. Focus is on Coffee and Chocolates. The company returns 50% of money raised to the school. After much discussion, motion made to run the fundraiser made by M. Rozenblum and seconded by Jacqui. Approved.
- Bill 115: L. Turkish – Briefly discussed guidelines/ rules for school Boards. At LPCI most programs are going ahead. A. Cohen requested to L. Jovanovic that the Parent Council would formally like to thank the staff and administration of LPCI for the work they are doing and the excellent start to the school year.
- Other business: Parents have called parent council requesting to know where students can find out what’s going on (clubs, sports etc). Morning Announcements go on the Bulletin Board across from the Main Office. Sports teams announcements are on the Phys Ed bulletin boards. A Facebook page is up and running by student council and this also has events. Facebook page is “Lawrence Park”.
Meeting Adjourned.