LPCI School Council Meeting
- Welcome by Co-Chairs A. Cohen and M. Yach.
- Approval of June 4, 2012 Minutes of the Meeting.
Motion : Alison Hepburn
2nd : Michael Freel - Student Council Presentation – Representative not present.
- Principals Report – Late August brought the LPCI Information Session for all Gd 9’s to pre-register, and the “Moving-On-Up” day. Both went very well. First day of school was a ½ day, with the pm reserved for a staff PA Day, focusing on the mandatory TDSB Health and Safety videos. Our administrative clerical staff has been reduced by .50. There has been a changeover of existing employees (including a new VP), moving on to other postings, working the “4 out of 5” year option, and seniority situations, so the start-up of the school year has been strenuous. We have more students than ever this year, and so would hope to have more complement. If we do get more teachers, the existing classes will be split. We ask for parent’s patience through all the change and uncertainty.
One parent indicated that in her child’s class, because there was no seating available, one student stood for 20 minutes. Mr. Gurgol to look into this.
We have until October 31st to work out these issues. TDSB has a surplus of 75 teachers to draw from.
The hiring process is very time consuming.
There will be a Grade 9 Info Night on Thursday September 20th, detailing the Muskoka Woods trip and the Music Trip.
Michael Freel questioned the connection of school trips to the curriculum, for example, the trip in the Spring to Chicago. Alison Hepburn responded that it was a “performance trip”, which educates the Students in what it is like to be a performer. The camps that are school trips are used to enrich their musical education, and are often run by “masters” in their fields. - Co-Chair Report – Alain Cohen is proposing to hire Dr. Ron Clavier, who spoke very successfully last year, for the Anne Johnson Health Station on “Understanding the Teen Brain”, to speak at a Parent Council, sponsored event. Last Spring, we voted, as a council, to provide a speaker relating to substance abuse, in light of the increase in alcohol use by minors, at three school social functions. His fee is $2500. Tentative date is November 8th. Melanie Yach applied for and received a grant from the Government of $750, to be used towards this type of educational event. It was suggested that we also use $250 of the annual LP Council budget of $1000, towards this. Alain Cohen is to call Dr Clavier to see if he will reduce his fee, and failing that, approach some of our neighbouring schools to see if they would like to contribute, and attend the event. We need to decide upon a speech topic. The suggestion came from the floor to consider charging a nominal fee for the event, such as $5. Up front, Dr Clavier has proposed to assist in marketing the event, and proposed to reduce his fee by $500 provided that a similar amount is used to professionally market the event through a PR firm of our choice. It was suggested putting a “blip” in the weekly “Eye”.
- Social Functions – Jackie Rother suggested another approach to monitoring student safety would be to have parents attend the social functions, along with teachers. Another comment from the floor suggested being more forthright with details of the night, if there are issues. Melanie pointed out that we did have an open discussion at several parent council meetings.
- Fundraising Update – A reminder that last year we made a decision to funnel all $$$ through the Foundation, to be used for purchasing new chairs for the Auditorium. Mr. Brown and Mr. Laidlaw will be the teacher representatives in charge of chair $$$ fundraising. Mona Rozenblum suggests updating the parent body with the $$$ amount raised-to-date. This might generate some newer donations. If anyone is interested in assisting with the fundraising, please alert the Chairs. Cathy Poole offered to send out a Fall request for funds.
- Executive Committee – According to the by-laws, Melanie Yach must relinquish her seat. The search is on to replace her as a Co-Chair with Alain Cohen. Ideally, someone with a few years left at the school. We would like to nominate Anita Fonseca to an official position within the committee. No decision on what, yet.
All new members are welcome.
Motion to propose, pass and approve this year’s committee : Jackie Rother
Motion 2nd: Alison Hepburn - Special words of thanks to Melanie Yach for devoting the last several years to the Council, and as acting Co-Chair!
Meeting Adjourned : 8:55pm
Next LPCI Council Meeting : October 15th, 2012