Parent and Community Engagement

School Council Town Hall – October 2022 – Follow-up

Thank you for attending our first School Council Town Hall for the school year.  We hope that the information shared will inform and will enhance the work of your School Council.

As promised, we have attached the ThoughtExchange results for your review.  One of the clear messages relayed in the Exchange is the importance of multi-media communication with members and parents/caregivers and the importance of offering hybrid meeting options.  We have heard that School Councils are exploring options for Hybrid meetings.  A message will be shared with schools within the next few weeks outlining feasible options.

Just a reminder that School Councils may have access to the ThoughtExchange tool. If you are interested in the tool to engage parents/caregivers, please complete this quick survey.

For our upcoming School Council training schedule and all things School Council, please visit:  Also, please remember that if you want to re-watch the presentation, you can find it on the PCEO YouTube channel.

Thank you,

Parent and Community Engagement
Toronto District School Board
5050 Yonge Street