Bullying hurts all of us. Help stop it. Foster a culture of empathy, communication, cooperation and collaboration.
The effects of bullying have been well documented but are still not entirely predictable. Unpredictability often creates anxiety which we may all experience due to the effect of merely one or two mundane, stereotypical bullies.
When a bully hurts one person, that is painful. That person hurts and may defer their pain by lashing out toward others afterwards. Many others may be hurt.
As parents, we need to be aware that our children may be bullies or that they may be suffering due to bullying, directly or otherwise.
One resource we’ve come across that we’d like to share is:
Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project
This service helps families locate mental health support for youth.
This page, dealing with avoiding attending school, is notable.
These are our children and families. LPCI is our school. Let’s make it better.