Dear Parents and Guardians of Lawrence Park CI,
The School Council would like to welcome you to the 2012-2013 academic year.
The School Council is your independent voice at LPCI. For simplicity, efficiency and to avoid duplicating email/s we have decided to communicate with you through the schools’ weekly publication the “Eye”. The “Eye” is sent by the school every Friday with relevant school information for the week coming. From time to time there is information that may conflict with school policy and we need to share it with you to get your input and opinion. That’s why the School Council exist. That’s how you get a voice in our school.
We are requesting permission for you to share your email with parent school council. We will assume you agree with us, that in your best interest, you want to be in notified in a timely manner with relevant information that may affect your child’s experience at Lawrence Park.
Please let us know if you prefer NOT to be included in our communication email list. Feel free to contact us directly if you have any concerns at
Wishing you and your child a very pleasant experience at Lawrence Park CI.
Truly yours,
Alain Cohen & Melanie Yach
Co-Chairs Parent School Council
Lawrence Park CI