Minutes March 3, 2014

LPCI School Council Meeting

 In attendance: D. Allard, S. Paetkau, D. Boughner, A. Cohen, P. Trenton, M. Rozenblum,
W. Sheremata, J. Hainbuch, L. Turkish, M. Anderson, P. Sweeney, N. Martins,
P. Parkin, C. Brennan, C. Poole, G. Wyett, L. Jovanovic, M. Gurgol, A. Fonseca,
H. Goodman, S. Kopyto

  1. Welcome by Co-Chair (G. Wyett)

G. Wyett welcomed everyone to the meeting, with a special welcome to School Superintendent J. Hainbuch and School Trustee G.H. Goodman.

2.    Review and approval of agenda
Motion – C. Poole
Seconded by – A. Cohen

3.    Approval of February 3, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes
Motion – C. Poole
Seconded by – D. Boughner

Student Update (Student Council Liaisons)
Student liaisons did not attend the meeting, therefore no update was provided.

Principal Update (L. Jovanovic)
Principal’s update was deferred to the end of the meeting. Due to the length of the meeting this update was deferred until the April meeting.

6.      Condo development issue

  • P. Parkin and C. Brennan, concerned citizens who live across from the proposed development, spoke to Council about the proposed condo development at 41 Chatsworth Dr.
  • Developer has proposal in to city to develop site of a former church into 6/7 floor condo, 114 unit condo
  • Developer has had to request an amendment to zoning and official plan since the site is currently zoned for single family residential only
  • Now categorized as neighbourhood, wants re-zoning into apartment (high density) neighbourhood
  • Community opposed to the proposed changing of the neighbourhood and the unplanned pressure on pedestrian and road safety, infrastructure and services such as schools. They have developed a community group called SONTO (Save Our Neighbourhoods Toronto)
  • The group was working closely with local area City Counsillor Karen Stintz as well as Counsillor Jaye Robinson until both councillors recused themselves due to conflicts of interest)
  • SONTO has retained a lawyer
  • May cost as much as $200,000 to fight if goes to Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
  • Group is concerned with traffic issues, school enrolment issues, safety and health of residential neighbourhood
  • The groups would like the community to think about implications of the  proposed development and to contact city councillors if concerned
  • They are also working with neighbouring communities
  • encourage LP parents to write letters, visit website, will be developing lawn signs, planning town hall session after March Break
  • No opinion from TDSB about enrolment in neighbourhood schools which are all above capacity (i.e. – if the schools are deemed unable to accommodate the potential enrollment from the condo development, the condo would be deemed to be outside of the local schools catchment areas and any children who live in the building would have to attend other schools farther away
  • The school board has not issued a “no accommodation” ruling yet because the development has not been approved in principle by city council
  • H. Goodman noted that it is not clear whether or not the board will not accommodate students in the local schools that may end up in this proposed building
  • G. Wyett offered to post flyer on School Council website and let the school know about date of town hall session if SONTO passed the information along to the council

7.    Chair update (G. Wyett)
Deferred to allow time for the discussion with the school superintendent and school trustee.

 School Superintendent and School Trustee update  (J. Hainbuch and H. Goodman)

  • Superintendent J. Hainbuch and Trustee H. Goodman spoke to Council about several issues including enrolment numbers at LPCI, status of open vs. limited capacity at LPCI where kids are coming from (other school districts) and why, potential boundary changes, process to develop boundaries, optional attendance policy, enrolment at feeder schools, transfers to LPCI of kids from the Catholic school board and private schools, and planning tools used to develop accommodation numbers for schools.
  • Looking at alternate space in LPCI for the coming school year, potentially have found 3 more classrooms for next year (cost to refurbish these into useable classrooms will be from the board not the school). J. Hainbuch indicated that an annual space/program/supply review process will take place at the school, and he invited parents to participate on that committee (also to include representatives from the school administration and the Board). However decisions about student acceptance remain solely with school administration and the School Superintendent as Board policy does not allow parent or School Trustee representation on optional attendance decisions.
  • Parents spoke about also considering other shortages at school such as cafeteria space, textbooks, number of teachers, number of office staff, field space, parking, street safety, fire codes.
  • J. Hainbuch to attend the May 5 Council Meeting as a follow up to tonight’s discussions and to further discuss the space/program/supply review process.

9.    Other Business

Upcoming events:

Wednesday April 16 – Panel discussion on mental health issues and teens – 7:00pm LPCI auditorium, event is open to parents, guardians and students from LPCI and the community (Note – date of event changed from April 14 to April 16 to accommodate religious holidays on the 14th).

 10. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm

The next meeting will be held April 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.