NewsFlash – Lawrence Park Athletic Field

As some parents are probably aware, much of the school field is currently fenced off and unavailable use. The field was renovated by the TDSB in late July and the school was given instructions not to use the field for 16 weeks. As a point of reference, other schools have have similar work done on their playing fields and only told to restrict access for 8 weeks. The impact on LPCI of not being able to access the main field is significant – many school teams including field hockey, soccer, rugby 7s, and football have had to find alternative areas to practice and play and students in gym classes are not able to access the field during gym class. Currently the fences are not due to come down until November 3 – however, the grass has grown and the field looks terrific, therefore, after 11 weeks of not being in use, we would like to see the fences come down NOW so the students can make use of the field before the snow starts to fly.
If this is an important issue to you and your child(ren), please take the time to contact our school trustee Howard Goodman ( or 416 481-7794) and school superintendent Jeff Hainbuch ( or 416 394 2032) to ask for their help in getting this matter resolved this week so our students can get back to using our field.