Minutes November 19, 2012

LPCI School Council Executive Meeting

Attendance: A. Cohen, L. Jovanovic, M. Gurgol, G. Wyett, M. Freel, L. Gray, D. Boughner, L. Turkish, M. Tam, K. Rein, C. Poole, U. Grieve

  1. Welcome
  2.  Motion to Approve the Minutes of Oct.15, 2012 made by L. Gray and 2nd by M. Gurgol. Approved.
  3.  Welcome to past Co-Chair. U. Grieve. Her position on the Executive slate is to assist in ensuring continuity.
  4. Executive Slate Update: A. Cohen presented G. Wyett for position of Co-chair. Motion to have Council approve G. Wyett for Co-chair proposed by M. Tam and seconded by L. Gray. Approved.
  5. Proposal to invite an “Advisor to School Council” to provide administrative assistance to be designated by the principal does not require a by-law amendment. Proposed by A. Cohen and seconded by M. Tam. Approved..
  6. School Council Meeting format change proposal – A. Cohen proposed we move to 1 meeting to be held at 7:00pm to 8:30pm with the option to call a separate Executive Meeting as needed. Seconded by U. Grieve and as there were no objections the motion is Approved.
  7. Other Business:

Finance- M. Tam advised Executive Council we currently have $6200. We will need to consider how this money is to be spent.

Foundation- M. Freel advised Foundation has $55,000 invested in GIC’s and approximately $13,000 was raised this fall. Fund raising on-line seems to be working however we should consider ways to improve our marketing of the on line fundraising.

December Social- A. Cohen and G. Wyett proposed we have a social gathering on Dec. 10th at school library. L. Gray seconded the motion. Approved.

Next meeting will be Jan. 21, 2013.