LPCI School Council Executive Meeting
Attendance: A. Cohen, L. Jovanovic, M. Gurgol, G. Wyett, M. Freel, L. Gray, D. Boughner, L. Turkish, M. Tam, K. Rein, C. Poole, U. Grieve
- Welcome
- Motion to Approve the Minutes of Oct.15, 2012 made by L. Gray and 2nd by M. Gurgol. Approved.
- Welcome to past Co-Chair. U. Grieve. Her position on the Executive slate is to assist in ensuring continuity.
- Executive Slate Update: A. Cohen presented G. Wyett for position of Co-chair. Motion to have Council approve G. Wyett for Co-chair proposed by M. Tam and seconded by L. Gray. Approved.
- Proposal to invite an “Advisor to School Council” to provide administrative assistance to be designated by the principal does not require a by-law amendment. Proposed by A. Cohen and seconded by M. Tam. Approved..
- School Council Meeting format change proposal – A. Cohen proposed we move to 1 meeting to be held at 7:00pm to 8:30pm with the option to call a separate Executive Meeting as needed. Seconded by U. Grieve and as there were no objections the motion is Approved.
- Other Business:
Finance- M. Tam advised Executive Council we currently have $6200. We will need to consider how this money is to be spent.
Foundation- M. Freel advised Foundation has $55,000 invested in GIC’s and approximately $13,000 was raised this fall. Fund raising on-line seems to be working however we should consider ways to improve our marketing of the on line fundraising.
December Social- A. Cohen and G. Wyett proposed we have a social gathering on Dec. 10th at school library. L. Gray seconded the motion. Approved.
Next meeting will be Jan. 21, 2013.